
This is the only show currently on tv that makes me laugh consistently the entire time. Hilarious!

I'm tired of looking at Justin Long in movies and tv. Damn that guy worked out an excellent career.

Did they change the actress for the spanish cop? Or did they just change her make-up? Something seemed very different with her in this episode.

That doesn't make any sense. Also I suspect you'll have a struggle to get through your adult life with that debilitating lack of any humor you have.

Is there a difference between this band and Purity Ring? They sound the same, right?

It's going to be a struggle to get through this entire season. But I've come this far, I might as well finish it up. I was hoping the mother character was going to be more like when the actress was on 30 Rock, The Sexy Baby! Instead, she's just one of the crew.

It seems like they crammed a lot of activity and information into the first episode. I was entertained. Everyone is being too harsh, it's worth at least B.

Oh no. I hope these babes didn't age as horribly as Juliana Hatfield. I better not look, I prefer to remember them in their 1996ish top-notch form.

Class move, Apple! I got this email yesterday with the free money. Unexpected.

#2 ouch! But that's dead-on accurate. I'm way more interested in every character other than Nucky. This show should be about Al Capone, he's infinitely better.

The best season was the one with Russell and Pavarti and 3 or 4 other hot chicks.

Why does this reviewer still think David Tate was the Beast? There is no beast plotline. AV Club just made it matter for some random reason, based on a short conversation in one episode between two teenage girls. That just bugs me. Anyway, great show!

One fatal flaw from the start: No hot chicks. Zip. El zilcho. In fact, the women need to wear more clothes. This season should have been in Antarctica. Layers. Many many layers. The other flaw is Redemption Island. Bleh. Vote them off, get rid of them. Plus Colton and Rupert and returnees I barely remember. I don't

I don't understand any part of what you wrote here.

I mostly feel bad for the Winston character, who's trying to be on a better show, but keeps getting cockblocked by the two boring couples.

Great to see this show decided to continue what it started in season 2, and remain a boring semi-comedy about two boring, predictable relationships. Rather than the original, hilarious show from season one, with wacky adventures.

Yes, the ending was disappointing, and the entire season wasn't that great, but come on. It was semi-entertaining. Better than most of the crap on CBS. That's worth a C at least. Whatever happened to "Suspension of disbelief" at the AV Club?

Mumblecore is right.

I have low expectations for this show since the book was a complete waste of time. Spoiler alert: Nothing happens. NOTHING. Nothing is explained. It's just pointless and meandering. Maybe the series could be better.

It's not a tumah!