
Weird, I only watched 2 of those shows. So this list was not entertaining.

This was unbelievable. I can't remember any show that beat me down emotionally and physically like this one does. Whew! I can't believe there are only two episodes left.

Glad to see them getting back to doctor-related humor. The show doesn't work as well for me when they're doing other things, like they have this season.

I like the pornos where you watch a girl touch herself on the couch while she's watching a video of herself doing the sex. Right???

What a horrible season with a dumb result. Krissi ruined it, and the two finalists should never have been there. F for everything.

Why was the reviewer so thrilled with Frye's comment about 12 step programs? That was a weird observation. Anyway, good show!

David Byrne without the irony.

The millionth time? Really? Well you're missing a huge point of the show. "The Beast" was a macguffin.

Mostly we missed out on all these cool ideas because AMC is run by a bunch of short-sighted number crunchers who forced them to end the show after 5 short seasons. The writers just didn't have enough time to do all the cool things they wanted to do. I'm looking forward to AMC fading back into oblivion after they

Tate is not "the beast" unless I missed something where he also murdered 14 random teenage girls in Mexico. The cops mistakenly thought it was the same person, but we now know these are two different serial killings.

When/how did this become a franchise? Also why?

This show was either too Dee-heavy, or I just don't like it very much anymore. I was kind of bored. I think it was too much Dee, she's always been the weak link when she's the focus. She's best as a supporting character.

Too much Krissi. It took them way too long to get rid of her, and her disgusting-ness ruined the entire season for me. I didn't enjoy watching more of her trashy shenanigans, and I can't even enjoy this last episode because of her and the fact that neither of the winners seem to deserve it. Luka has been accidentally

Some of those ladies seem pretty attractive. This isn't the land of Borat I've always imagined. Interesting.

Game of Thrones duh. Dragons and titties!

Interesting. While I did not enjoy these last two seasons, I thought it was still a popular show. So why would they end it now? There must be more to this story.

Yeah, maybe everyone was too nice, but I still thought the show was pretty funny.

It's kind of bumming me out that Jesse is going to be the one to take down Walt, or Walt will be forced to eliminate Jesse. I was hoping they'd be a team fighting against someone else. I'm just kind of sad this is where it's heading, but I guess that's the point, and I suppose it makes sense based on where we've been.

Haha Matt Sanchez.

I didn't say it, the person who wrote the review did. I pointed out the same thing you did, that the reviewer is wrong.