
I hate this show because Krissi won't die.

Lack of parenting doesn't turn you into a sociopath. It's genetic.

Yeah, they need to dump that story with the wannabe gangsters, or whatever they are. They're just boring and pointless. And didn't they make some reference to the blonde bartender being someone famous? What came of that, anything? Maybe I just missed it because I zone out whenever the scene shifts that that bar.

I'm sure other people already commented on this. I didn't buy the leap Jesse made to connect Walt with poisoning Brock. That plot device didn't work for me, and kind of messed up the episode for me. I'm sure they'll recover.

Kiss was so irrelevant by 1983 that their unmasking was a complete non-event. You didn't miss anything. Not even MTV really cared.

Omg a 15 year old is dating an 18 year old! Cliche. And fuck you with your racist bullshit, you ignorant douche. My point was how this show is ripping off themes from 1985.

Another great episode!

This season is nonredeemable. Krissi has been around too long and there's too much focus on her. Even if she gets kicked off next week, it's too late. She ruined the season. I don't care who wins, but I know it won't be her. The producers aren't dumb enough to try selling her cookbook.

It was interesting to learn that in England, police take the weekend off during a murder investigation. Is that real? And if there's a murder in your family, a police officer moves in with you? What? In general, this show is annoying. The creepy lead detective, his whiny and mostly incompetent/inexperienced partner,

Wait, they're cutting scenes from the show for ads? WTF? That's absurd! I noticed this show has way more commercials than most normal shows, it seems like they break 20 times, but I didn't realize they were cutting content for it. That's a bunch of crap. Seriously.

I always loved their sound.

Oswalt is becoming slightly off-putting with his recent role as a crusader. Crusader of what, I have no idea. But he sure does have lots of opinions. Maybe he's just overexposed by hipster media websites.

Right, nobody could possibly have a different opinion than yours. Dumbass.

The one thing that really bugs me about the show is all the secretive glances the bad cops keep making to each other every time some evidence comes up. Especially Joe. Good lord, just watching him skulk around and look at everyone sideways you know he's guilty of something. Simmer down, director. We already know

First of all, this season was NOT "pretty darn good" on any level. This was probably the worst season of the show. Secondly, the ending wasn't that bad in context with the rest of the stupid season.

Why doesn't the lead detective just fire that curly-haired detective lady? She's mostly unprofessional, she's already interfered with the case at least twice, and she's clearly too vested emotionally to be objective and useful. She's also kind of annoying.

F. This was the worst episode ever, in the history of Master Chef. The episode hasn't even ended yet, but nothing is worse than that horrendous monster Krissi cackling her stupid head off the entire time. As soon as she won the steak challenge I knew this would be the worst episode of the season because we're stuck

Mob City? Really? That's embarrassing.

That third paragraph. The reviewer here completely misunderstood a HUGE plot point of the show. They didn't put the cop in the trunk, that was a completely different body. And they weren't trying to hide the cop's body. They wanted people to find him and think it was a suicide. How did you miss that? Weak. D- for the

I'm not reading this.