
That should have got rid of that annoying readheaded lady. Maybe that would've helped a little.

Another week we're stuck with Krissi. Seriously, what do we have to do to get rid of that monster? Everything that comes out of her piehole is disgusting. She reminds me of the mom from "Million Dollar Baby." Even looks like her.

Sounds thrilling. Sarcasm, pow!

Colbert and Daft Punk, two of the most over-hyped entertainment objects in the country. Yay they're fighting or whatever.

Even Krissi's own family can't stand to be around her. Her son would rather hang with the dog. What a shocking development.

Finally. Anne Perkins is one of the most useless characters on tv. This show gets so much acclaim for writing and acting, yet they don't know what to do with her, and pretty much gave up trying midway through season 2. Whatever, goodbye.

And now she's engaged to a man again. What's the deal with this lady? Why does she keep coming out as gay and then marrying men?

I laughed heartily at this preview! That's like lol, but in real life.

Why can't I find the Genesis episodes from season 1 on Netflix? And the Lee Harvey Oswald ones either? Pieces of the seasons are missing?

That's some reply, nerd. My point is this is a dumb song to pick.

Don't forget a pair of the most incredible boobs in the history of movies.

Finally, the JFK conspiracy from a random nurse's point of view. What took so long?

Oh blah I knew this would happen. Of course it would.

I can't believe there are still three more episodes of this. And I'll watch all 3 probably. Hurry up, Breaking Bad!

I completely agree. Pointless.

Why did this episode exist? What did it have to do with anything? All season just led up to this, an exploitative look at capital punishment? Why did the writers feel a need to make a random political statement about this? All of the politics aside, it was just a horrible hour. The worst episode ever of The Killing,

I'll say it again: I think we can all agree it's been a shitty year for music so far.

Wow, Eliott Gould is still alive! Glad to hear it.

This episode was just weird. And I have trouble enjoying this show as long as krissi continues to exist on it.

I think they focused too much on the lyrics here. Who cares what the words are? It's just a fun little pop song.