
Skinny Pete should be embracing his trashiness, not showing up like that. Whatever he's doing there, like one of the Beach Boys. Bad move, Pete.

How old is that woman? She's either 25 or 48. I can't tell with her. I guess that's good for an actress.

I guess this list is different than the typical top-10 movies list. I guess that's something.

Jesus Christ that looks retarded. What's with the floating babies?

It's not a bad remix, it's just a bad mess of a song, period. Amateurish indeed. Like he just started rapping while an old disc he found in the basement is playing in the background.

wtf seriously? This is by far the worst song on the album. I'm not sure how it's even a song, it's just kanye talking over a horrible song from the olden days. And then all of a sudden there's another song in the middle of it. What is going on here? The most ridiculous part is when he just says "Bound!" a couple of

How much longer is this show going to last? I'm worried that with all these announcements about "40 million viewers" that CBS is going to string it along for years. The show is ok, and there's nothing else on, so I'll stick with it for a while. But I won't stand for a season 2. Unfathomable!

Who wants to see any movie about Queen, authorized or unauthorized? With or without Cohen? What is this, 1992?

Given the LAPD's policy of cracking down on celebrities like the Lohans and the Byneses and Spearses and etc, nothing will happen to him. As it should be. Celebrities are our national treasures. People should stop taking pictures of them and asking them questions.

I get annoyed reading these reviews because they interpret things in weird ways. Like when Holder was offered the chance to beat up the dude they caught, maybe he was on his way to do it but changed his mind when the lieutenant showed up. Maybe? I don't think he was being meditative like the reviewer says. And who

That's awesome how in her name she replaced the i with ! so her name is spelled P!nk. So awesome.

I've always imagined she smells like cheap perfume. Or hairspray, or both.



This episode was hilarious. The reviewer is dead inside.

Fuck you, Dennis Whatshisfuck of the AVClub. This episode was hilarious. Especially the Scooby Doo. And fuck you to all the commenters who gave it a C+ just because that Dennis dick hated it. Lemmings.

He also enjoys croissants.

Almost? I'd say definitely annoying. Also, how could an idiot like that possibly be promoted to police detective? Even El Paso must have some standards.

The blonde cop continues to be annoying and distracting and cartoony. Horrible acting, it's been decided.

Glad to see Vera Farmiga in there for best actress! There's no chance in hell she'll win, but she's great on Bates Motel and deserves it. The rest of the nominations seem pretty cookie-cutter.