
"… Caan became a full-fledged movie star, a status he has maintained ever since…" That was very condescending.

I hate Krissi, and so does all of America. Thanks MasterChef for cursing us with her existence. Mostly I don't like how this season is focusing less on the competition and more on the annoying personalities that don't get along with each other. It seems like there's way more of that than in the previous seasons.

What a great great great show! I can't remember a first season of show that drew me in like this show has. Suspense, great characters, beautiful style and visuals, just all around a lot of fun. I'm so glad NBC hasn't fucked this up yet.

Such a sad thing. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy. The annoying part of this is how all of his costars had their PR companies release statements for them. How fucked up is that? They can't take the time to say something nice about the guy? They can't talk to one of the hundreds of websites/magazines and say

Why do we need so many Spiderman movies? When did he become so great?

I don't know how to feel about this.

Ouch, that's gotta hurt. How do you put yourself in a position where you can get fired from your own company that you built? Didn't the same thing happen to Steve Jobs at Apple? Weird. I bet Zuckercorn doesn't have to worry about this over at the facebook.

I hope Applegate stays marginalized in the movie. I don't like her.

Is this a positive or negative review?

I like the songs a lot, but then he ruined two of the best ones by switching to old-fangled low-fi sound in the middle of them. Why is that happening? Sounds horrible and kills the flow. And I'm not sure about that Chief Keef guy. The Liquor song would have been better without him.

I don't understand any of the replies to my comment here.

Russell Brand must have a powerful PR team working for him, because this video is plastered all over the internet today for some reason. It's not that amazing. This is how he is everywhere. And morning show news people are always like this, the dumbest form of media. Whatever.

From Beer to Eternity! That's hilarious

This album has some catchy tunes, I liked it. Good job for Kanye!

Big fan of Dick Casablancas and I even pitched in for the Veronica Mars movie, but that Ryan Hansen video gave me so many douche chills.

Why does the reviewer here hate Nora so much? Also, who is Nora? Is that Eric's sister? I think so. Again, why would anyone hate her? She's so hot and British.

I'm bummed Abigail has to die. I really like that actress.

That's what I thought at first also, but that doesn't make sense either. He just says patty weird.

Also, Gordon's accent is bizarre. Do they really say burger "patty" that way in England? He kept referring to the "pat-TAY" while they were making burgers and it took me a few seconds to figure it out. He says pasta really weird, too.

Hey this article was like the onion.