
This was horrible. They spent two entire hours just to get to a boring lobster showdown between two insignificant players for one elimination. Just an awful idea.

Hooray! Love this show. I never cared much for Fred on SNL until I started watching Portlandia.

I never heard of this award before, but glad to see them give one to that chick from Orphan Black! She definitely deserves some things.

Yikes, Apple now considers desktop machines to be innovative. Fire Tim Cook already.

I agree. I don't like his character.

Oh, brother. Ms. Sensitive over here. Ok, let me edit my comment.

Haha, you can't read.

They need to get rid of that bald cop so Linden and Holder can get back together. He's the only negative on this show, the typical 80s-style grumpy cop. He's like Hank-lite (from Breaking Bad). Apparently we only get 10 hours of this season, so stop wasting time with bald eating sandwiches in the car cop.

Well that was slow, as expected. Very disappointing season. The entire thing was just a set up for next season (or the season after that, as slow as this show is). Outside of that awesome wedding scene, very little happened. There were bits and pieces of awesomeness, like Joffrey getting bitch-slapped by his family,

Bradley is a whiny little girl. Gay Bob was a huge bummer/disappointment. Gayness has become such lazy writing on tv nowadays. They think they're being progressive. It's just lazy writing and cheap pandering. At least when they had the other gay character, Sal, it was a completely different, fresh take on it. Now it

Is Will dying, or did he just have the flu. Is it related to his brain thing? I don't understand his deal.

The green beans, that's what killed the blue team. The red team had it right, kids hate green vegetables. Also the blue team had that lunchlady on their team, which scared most of the kids away.


This cracked me up because that's all I think every time I see Theroux in anything he's ever done. Nobody else who replied to this comment even understood it. So they just wrote stupid nonsense.

This book really really sucked, but it has the potential to be a good tv series where they can focus on interesting characters and storylines, rather than just 300 pages of nothing fucking happening and boring do-nothing characters.

Because fuck you, that's why.

That doesn't even make sense. Thanks for proving my point.

This show started off so great, as noted in this review. And then all the great things highlighted here just fizzle out in the last 2 or 3 episodes, like the writers gave up or ran out of ideas/motivations for the characters. So they just started doing whatever even if it didn't make sense. Still a good show.

Here's a problem with the show: They're getting too close to the 70s and the 70s suck. I don't want to watch a show about the 70s. The reason Mad Men was so great was because it was taking place in another dimension, the early 60s. The 70s are the beginning of the current world, but without anything modern. Lame.

This story generated some pretty funny comments! Unlike 99% of the stories here.