
How douchie was that Moriarity character? Some serious bad acting there. Douchey.

Why would I watch something in a foreign language when I can just wait for the improved US remake where they speak English?

Ohhhh, right!

What did this show have to do with Twin Peaks? Because they're both in the northwest? That's a weak connection. When did that become a thing?

I agree, that was one of the most shocking things to happen to major cast members on any tv show ever, not just cable. I can't think of anything else like that on another show.

Interesting. That's a good point.

Wow, that was awesome! Unlike the reviewer, I wasn't expecting anything like this. I figured it was just another one of those boring episodes where nothing really happens, just a lot of talking about what they're going to do next season. But then pow! And not only was it awesome to watch, now we don't have to waste

Am I the only one who had no idea who that Danny character was? I don't remember him at all. Was he married to Roger's daughter? I think that's what happened there. But I definitely missed out on that joke.

None of the clones know that Leekie had Olivier killed. But ok, that could be a sign of him being the bad guy. I just think there wasn't much 'motivation' for any of the clones to be as paranoid as they are about him and his new Sarah clone. And now there's Mrs S who raised Sarah so how can she possibly be a bad guy?

Sorry but that ending was disappointing. I'm still not sure the "bad guys" are even bad guys. Why are they considered a problem? They weren't the ones killing the clones, they were just watching. What's the harm there? Dr. Leekie seems evil-ish, but is he really? Why? Because he patented DNA or something? That's

No mention of "face-blindness" showing up in both Hannibal and Arrested Development? I never heard of it before, and now it's popped up in two of my favorite shows in the same week. That's a weird coincidence. Although it was a lot scarier in this show. This episode did a great job of freaking me out. So glad NBC is

Hooray! NBC finally does something right, justifying their otherwise miserable and pointless existence.

The only thing I hate about Ramsey shows is how there are always villains. Why are there so many villain cooks? It has to be a set up. Every season, every show, there's always one or two evil dicks. They clearly leave them on the show for some added drama, and it has nothing to do with their cooking - if they even

Thank you for warning me about the bullshit accent they're using. I can't stand movies with phoney accents.

When I read the headline I thought he was just trying to be controversial and draw attention to himself. But then I read the story and ok.

This was a great description: "It’s occasionally hilarious, sometimes boring, always bloated." I'm enjoying it, I'm on episode 9ish now, but I'm slightly annoyed that after 8 episodes we've barely seen GOB and I don't think we've heard from Buster at all, but we've had TWO bizarro George Sr. episodes. Tobias and

Hannibal was totally going to kill Will there, but then backed out. He's not quite as insane as the Anthony Hopkins version. I like the character, I like the actor, but I sort of want him more over-the-top killing-people crazy. Great episode as usual!

This is one of those reviews that generated a lot of dumb comments. Everyone thinks they're comedians.

I've seen all the Fast and Furious movies, but I'm proud to say I have never spent one dime to do so. Always waited until they popped up on cable. Sure, I pay for cable, but that's for other things on HBO like Game of Thrones. Fast and Furious just happens to be there and I watch.

Oh, I think he means Joe makes Gordon look cute and cuddly? Man that was weak.