
What does the reviewer mean that Joe's job is to make Gordon seem like an Ewok? I don't understand what joke the reviewer was going for there. Make Gordon look hairy since Joe is bald? Make Gordon look tiny? No. This reference doesn't make sense. Someone please explain it!!

Fuck Beyonce in the ear.

How did he pronounce "programme" there? Programmy? Or do britains suddenly spell program with an extra m and e? When/why did that happen?

Other than Rainman, this should never happen.

I could not disagree more with this review. The ending shot was absolutely necessary. I wanted to know if he killed the teacher or not. Why leave that question floating out there? What's the point? Seems like Todd Vanderwhatever is more interested in watching Gilmore Girls where he can get all the teen drama without

Oh no, Lucy did not age well. Not even close.

You're retarded.

You're retarded.

You're retarded.

How can Julia still be so freakin' gorgeous? She's like 60 years old! And she's hilarious. Have we ever seen a woman like this before, with that combo of aging beautifully/comedy genius? I say no.

You're retarded.

My dogs wouldn't shut up and totally ruined this episode for me. I kept having to pause and rewind.

That was horrible, as expected. They even messed up the return of Michael. Why was he whispering? Why was he grey? Did he age 30 years somehow? Good riddance, show.

I wish there were different people running this show. They try their hardest to annoy the hell out of their audience every chance they get. Mission accomplished, guys. Yet again. It's like the writers are all Ted Mosebys, thinking they are way cuter and more clever than they really are.

I have a formidable vault.

God damn that was a dumb episode. This show took a turn for the suck in the middle of the season. Right about when that horrible Cece getting married to some Indian dude storyline started.

Great reminder that the show is so much better without Wiig. The worst episodes were always the ones where she hijacked every sketch with her characters. Like this episode.

Theon was totally getting castrated! How'd you miss that?

Great episode! Two questions: What happened to those ice zombies from the first episode? Where are Jon Snow and his new girlfriend going? The four of them are going to attack the north?
