
So Hannibal will end up 10pm Wednesdays after Ironside gets canceled? That better be the plan.

Someone please explain the Dom Draper joke to me. Why do I not understand that? What am I missing?

13. What's going to happen with Hannibal, the best NBC show since forever? NBC should forget about ratings for a while and just focus on quality shows. If they do it right, in time they could turn into another AMC. They can't get ratings, so they should focus on something else.

Jesus Christ this Cryer guy never shuts up.

This was the best episode since Michael left, by far. Even that stupid shit with Pam and Jim couldn't ruin it.

Haha, I knew you were king of the dorks. Retard.

omg that's the most clever one ever. you're so hilarious and smart. what was i thinking? imbecile indeed! you live in your mother's basement lol.

That was the most messed-up "reward" ever. How was that a reward? What was the point of winning that challenge? I can't think of another instance where you won a reward challenge and were put in a situation like that. Very messed up.

What's wrong with that guitar guy in the video? Is that just how he plays guitar? I don't care.

Ah, delightful! At first I didn't want the "Between 2 Ferns" episode to end and I was slightly annoyed that it was cut short for the song. But that went away as the song became hilarious!

I'm not sure why I keep watching this. I guess it still makes me chuckle, although not as much as it used to. But I just don't enjoy it so much anymore. I feel like it's gone on too long. I was actually disappointed when they announced it's coming back next season. Enough. Please stop.

This was a weird episode. It's like the writers are just coming up with random ideas and then slapping them together. It mostly works, but it feels inconsistent. I like the show.

This was a great episode, rolling along, and then what the fuck was that ending? All of a sudden they merged the two companies over a conversation in a bar? And then before you know it Don Draper is bossing Peggy around again? That was just slapped together. The whole thing took 2 minutes of show time.

That thing at the end with John Hamm was brilliant. Hilarious and brilliant. That should win an award.

This was a good episode but it had so many flaws. Let's waste more time with the fat guy and his girlfriend instead of spending the usual 90 seconds we get with the Khaleesi and her dragons. Everyone loves the Khaleesi! More Khaleesi! More dragons!!! How has she only been on screen for a total of 5 minutes the entire

I agree to an extent, but Pam is worse.

This was a pretty good episode but it seemed to go on and on forever. Like it wouldn't end. Just kept going. That's all I have to say.

This episode was the best, I can't get enough of this show. I'm really pissed it's on NBC and has no chance of survival. They need to shut down that network already, turn it into a home shopping club or something. Replace it with the Spanish channel, whatever. Should we start the "Save Hannibal" campaign already? Send

Come on.

Career day? Tooth fairies? Are they just out of ideas or was this an episode of cliched 70s sitcom elements on purpose? The writers think they're so clever, I bet they did it on purpose.