

B+ my ass.

I disagree, I don't think it's a dark comedy.

"And in that moment, anvils were general all over East Pine Bay." Someone please explain to me what the hell that means. I think the writer was going for a joke there, but I can't figure it out.

Good explanation, thanks!

What's the sordid part? Depressing? He cheated? The writer made it seem so much more exciting than this. Welcome to old age. People get tired of marriage. Such is life.

Yes, great episode. Finally. The first few were snoozers. One thing confused me. Why do the old lady and her daughter (the one marrying the king) give a crap about Sensa? If she wants to leave, who cares? Let her leave. Why hasn't the king killed her yet anyway? She's like a hanging plot point that needs to go away.

I feel like I watched this show three years ago. When does the new season start?

The main girl doctor that Hannibal knocks out. You know who I'm talking about. Upgrade your HD, you'll see some gross-looking chompers.

And so the terrorists win yet again. When will society stop bowing to these maniacs? When will we stop changing our way of life to meet their demands? This is what they want, and they always get what they want. Terrorists win every time. Meanwhile, the 99.9% of us who aren't homicidal maniacs pretend we're on the

I don't like that girl psychiatrist with the bad teeth. I was hoping Hannibal killed her. Oh well, maybe next week. Other than that, I already look forward to this show more than any other! Great atmosphere, great characters (other than the psychiatrist and annoying reporter), and Hannibal Lecter.

I lost interest in The Cure because of Disintegration. I think they took a turn for the boring with that album. Kiss Me and Boys Don't Cry and The Head on the Door and Standing on the Sea were amazing.

Haha, ok!

I don't know how to feel about this. Weird Science and Planes Trains and Autos were my two favorite hughes movies.

This song generated a lot of stupid comments here. I never heard of the Pedaljets, but the song sounds like it was recorded in 1990, so I'm not sure this is new. Is it?

Dawn and Phillip were so disgusting on this episode. Did we really need to know about her fake teeth falling out? She creeps me out, gives me major douche chills. But yeah, great episode! This tribal was almost as awesome as that one were Pavarti used all her immunity idols with Russell and whoever. I don't remember

I disagree about the "comedic bits" of this show being underrated. They're rarely funny, they're more realistic, how people in real life think they're funny and say stupid things that aren't really funny. The show does a great job of that. There are laughs in the show, but simmer down.

I don't understand what this was about. It seemed to just stop. I think some of the article is missing.

Glad you enjoy 3 episodes of bullshit. Guess you're too cerebral for me, princess.

Weird show. I sort of like it, but it doesn't do a great job of keeping my attention. I'm usually playing games on my ipad while I watch it.