
I thought this season was supposed to be based on the most exciting part of the book or something. So far it's dull as fuck. When you only get 13 episodes per season, it seems like bullshit to waste the first 3 episodes on setup. There are too many storylines and the writers can't fit it all in. They're rushing

Veep is filled with mostly filled with awful people? I don't look at the show like that at all. What a strange perspective.

Where did that Trudy rage come from? That seemed really out of left field. I mean, sure they probably didn't have the perfect relationship, but that was just Pete's hang-up. We knew Pete was unhappy but Trudy blowing up like that seemed a bit out of nowhere. Just bugged me for some reason, although I enjoyed it at the

I'm enjoying this show. Those mushroom people! That was one of the greatest, most brilliant, most disgusting things someone has done with dead bodies I've ever seen, on tv or in the movies. Bravo! I was waiting for Hannibal to serve them up as dinner, so we could all puke. Oh, so gross!

I felt like this episode was trying to be like an episode of Portlandia. With a bunch of different stories that were semi-related. Except it was mostly tedious and not very funny. That's the difference.

Yes! I love her, but she barely exists on this season. I don't think she's said more than a couple of sentences. Very disappointing.

Michael? How did that make sense to anyone? These people are stupid.

That was the most intense episode of any tv show ever. Whew! When they casually shot Lucero? Oh man, I didn't see that coming. Totally gave me the chills. Amazing show. I also like how they're turning Sherman into a dirty cop. It's hard to remember how naive he was as a rookie now.

Cece needs to go away. She's a boring character and her storyline in this show sticks out like a sore thumb. What's the point? Why is any of that happening? Wrong show.

I think the Thanksgiving episode is a good example of how dated the show is now. It doesn't really hold up very well. It was great at the time, but it's no Seinfeld.

This doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

This happened.

It wasn't her bossiness or harshness that was douchey. It was her arrogance. Specifically when that client said "I don't know what to say" about the product she replies with some "But I do, I'm a fucking genius, let me do it" bullshit attitude.

Grownass Man? Is Will Ferrell on this album, or is that just the worst title they could possibly come up with?

I don't think Drunklege was referring to his Tumblr site. He was talking about his tumbler glass, with the drink in it. I guess the reviewer here never heard of a tumbler before, because the Internet tries to make everything stupid.

This was pretty boring. There are too many stories to catch up on, and each one only gets 3 or 4 minutes to do it. The writers/directors are doing a terrible job so far this season.

Good start, but I do not like this new confident/assertive/arrogant Peggy. She's an off-brand Don Draper. They're probably going for that, but it gave me douche chills.

Me too.

What is the lesson of the last three times they did this? Is he talking about the fictional characters in the fictional universe, or the movies and their directors? What lessons? Is this some sort of dig at the previous three movies, or just particular science within the movies? Is this some sort of inside joke? This

This was a dumb episode.