
This was a stupid episode.

Good show, I liked it. At first I wasn't too thrilled with the new Hannibal and his strange accent, but then I got over it and enjoyed his character. Too bad it's on NBC so nobody will watch it and it will get canceled. NBC should just close.

I thought this was about that basketball player Justin Lin. Next.

Finally some action. Seems like it's been a while since there's been a good blindside on Survivor.

Great episode, but the most hilarious part of the entire series was learning that Lucero has a daughter named Khaleesi! The mother of dragons!! I had to rewind that part a few times to make sure.

I said mostly.

I am in love with her. I'll watch whatever stupid show she's on.

I'm tried of the applesauce girl. She's in too many things. Isn't she at that age yet where we no longer let actresses be in movies anymore? They're always whining about not enough roles for old ladies, yet applesauce keeps popping up in everything.

This is mostly a big list of "who the fuck are these guys" from bands I barely know of. The Internet is running out of ideas.

A lot of ups and downs in this episode. I don't care about the crazy dude who thinks he's the king and his fire-witch lady. That storyline can go away. I'm not that interested in the John Snow stuff either. This episode focused too much on those stories, making it kind of disappointing. But the Khaleesi story and the

I liked this episode a lot. But just now, a day later, I realized the governor is still alive. Come on. Enough of him already. If we spend another season stuck in that prison fighting the governor and his two cronies…nah, that wouldn't happen.

I can't stand Malin Akerman. Everything she's in, there's another actress who would be better than her. At least she shows her boobs a lot. That's something I suppose.

I'm clamoring for a chick with a Julia-flavored tight body! Amiright, fellas???

I like how this show has a realistic morgue, compared to shows like CSI where their morgues are state-of-the-art with Macs and fancy purple and green lighting and hot medical examiners. This show is so under-appreciated. I'm glad at least the AV Club recognizes its greatness.

I have a French Bulldog! He's so cute. And there's a picture of my friend's Boston Terrier in my avatar.

Dullsville. Also I can't believe they gave that Nick Kroll guy his own show. Eesh.

Does Emma have any flaws? Um, how about dragging that oxygen tank around and the fact she's gonna die before 30? There are a couple of flaws right there. Oh wait, are we being condescending and pretending not to notice her disease? We're above that. We don't even see it, we're so evolved. Ok, got it. Still, she's a

Are you people kidding me? B+? This was a D episode all the way, especially after that sappy bullshit ending. Nothing in this episode really happened, it was all some sort of Ted dream because he's so sad and alone. Yeah, he's been single for like two weeks now, poor bastard. Not to mention the 50-something girls he's

This episode was so horribly boring until the last 10 minutes or so, after arm-sword guy kicked the girl out of his car. This season has been bad. That governor better die next week. I can't sit through another one of these nothing-happens seasons.

This is the most horrible music.