
Simmer down, princess.

That was one of the dumbest votes ever. Why vote off possibly the strongest player on your team? That made no sense. They're either delusional and think they can beat the other tribe at anything, or they don't care about winning and are just waiting for the merge.

Why do I continue to be so uninterested in every scene Lydia is in? I'm always tempted to press the skip button when she shows up, but I don't because sometimes she's connected to one of the other stories.

That's a douchebag move, posting this list. Hollywood Superstar Rain Wilson is pissing all over the rest of the actors on the sheet who have no careers. Outside Adam Scott and Mary Lynn, the rest of them are struggling through life as failures. Thanks for letting everyone know, Rain. Rain. What kind of name is that

What the fuck was that? How is this a prequel if it takes place now? And why are all the girls so into Norman? And why is his mother so sweet and normal? That was a bad first episode as far as relating to Psycho, but I liked it on its own. I just expected more horror or creepiness or something.

Blah, more whining about product placement? Really? That was product placement? Perhaps it was just a joke. Episode gets an A-, reviewer gets an F+.

I'm so tired of the governor. I knew he wasn't dead. I was hoping I was wrong, but I knew he'd be back. He better die before next season. This is almost becoming as monotonous as the season stuck on the farm. We get it, he's a douchebag. Kill him already.

I stopped reading when the author wrote "Leslie Knope has been, for a long time, one of TV's best characters." Wrong wrong wrong. The problem with Parks & Rec is how the writers waste Amy Poehler's talents on this simple character any actress could play. Think about Amy in everything else she's ever done. Her

Each reply to my original post here is more retarded than the last.


Is Selena Gomez naked or not? We've already seen Vanessa Hudgen's fried-egg tits.

Why is everyone so down on this episode? It was entertaining. Something different. I give it a solid B.

It's official: I'm bored with this governor storyline. Let's kill him off already and move on. It's not really boring, per se, but it's just going on too long. Enough already.

Wow that video was gay. Maybe I'm wrong on this one. I was very young in the 80s.

Nobody in Frankie Goes to Hollywood was openly gay at the time. Who wrote that? Clearly someone under 30. I was there, nobody was openly gay in the 80s except for Boy George and Kajagoogoo (maybe).

I enjoyed this season. I don't remember the first two seasons, they were so long ago, but I know I watched them and I'm pretty sure I liked them. That is all.

blah blah blah ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT!! blah blah blah boobs.

My two favorites: "The Red Wheelbarrow" by William Carlos Williams and "Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking" by Whitman. I also really like this one Kerouac poem, but I can never remember which one it is. I just stumble upon it every few years.

I enjoy Thom Yorke and his movings.

God damn this was boring. I tried. I really tried. Maybe it's more "realistic" than Downton Abbey, but Downton Abbey is way more interesting and entertaining. And that's what tv is supposed to be. Entertaining. Realism is mostly boring. Rebecca Hall was awesome, but what's the point of being awesome in a snoozefest