
The guy in the wheelchair was promised 100 bucks, not 10. Was that a typo or just the reviewer not paying attention as usual? Whichever. So everything on this show took place over 3 days? A long weekend? Is that what they said? That was weird.

I loved how he referred to himself as a small business owner. That killed me.

Titties and dragons! Dragons and titties! Yay!

The genie model creeps me out. She's slightly cross-eyed and looks like she's missing a few brain cells. But not in a good way.

Looks like most of us agree, this season has started off pretty disappointing. Still good enough and better than that horrible season at the farm.

The critic here is whining about product placement? Really? Didn't we get over that in 2009? No? Well we should have. Who fucking cares if he's playing a Vita or eating at Subway or driving a Ford. I think it's more distracting when they create fake products. Like those damn red apple cigarettes Tarantino keeps using.

This list is depressing. And still wrong.

I told you, Sammy has become one the weak link in this show. He was better the first couple of seasons when he was a minor character. Enough of his whining already.

What kind of name is Reynold? That's just bizarre. I don't think I've seen that before.

My only problem with the show was Kate Mara and her friend the older lady from the newspaper with the horrible skin, and Kate's new boyfriend. Actually, everything from Kate's side of the show. They seemed out of place after a while, like I didn't care what they were doing anymore. Spacey and Wright were awesome and

Hahahaha "Sucksy Sucks" when she said that!

Thanks for 3 pages of that creepy Amy Adams picture.

oooohhh wheeee lets have a stupid fucking wedding show! Because that's so awesome! We're the cutest couple evers!

Yes! I couldn't remember which episode he was in, but I knew he was on that show. Thanks.

Pam continues to be the worst person in the history of television. Now she's all "fuck you and your dreams, Jim. I want to be a glorified receptionist at a dead-end paper company for the rest of my life, because that's easy."

Too much Sammy in this episode, and I didn't like how his degenerate wife was now acting all uppity and responsible. That didn't seem real. I like it when they focus more on Ben and gay cop. Will they ever talk again? I want to see that happen.

Aw man. After they cancel this I'm running out of shows to watch. Parks and Recreation, New Girl, that's about it. Modern Family got old. HIMYM is ok-ish. What will I do???


I think they're over-analyzing this episode. It's just a fun show, don't get all technical about it.

Bleh, an Ann-centric episode? Who thought that was a good idea? I guess it was the same writing team that thought they should neuter Amy Poehler.