
That chunky lemon milk was the funniest thing of the season.

That chunky lemon milk was the funniest thing of the season.

Yup, no need to read it. That's all there is in that crapfest book.

How was it good? I thought it was horrible. Please tell me what you liked about it, because I'm stumped and confused.

I just read this book last week and HOLY FUCK IT SUCKS! Probably the most overrated book in the history of overrated books. It's not even well-written really, just kind of generic and plodding. It sets up a lot of interesting premises, but no pay-off. Nothing happens. Nothing. Why does anybody do anything in the book?

Wow. What? This was one of the funniest episodes of the season. I'm totally surprised by the negative review here. Adam was a great host, did a lot of characters and such. Everything was new, none of the boring predictable sketches they keep rehashing.

The reviewer cried twice during this episode? I don't even know how to respond to that. What?

How is Rashida Jones related to Quincy Jones? I don't see it at all. She had to have been adopted, right?

That fight between Pam and Jim was so contrived, and then the appearance of the camera crew just added to the bullshit factor. Sometimes this show tries too hard to push sentimentality, and this was the worst example in the show's history. A disgusting display.

That fight between Pam and Jim was so contrived, and then the appearance of the camera crew just added to the bullshit factor. Sometimes this show tries too hard to push sentimentality, and this was the worst example in the show's history. A disgusting display.

This is horrible news. The worst thing to happen in 2013, by far. I love this show. Apt 23 and Happy Endings was my favorite comedy block on tv in years. It was just pure joy. Why can't America support smart, funny shows? This country full of hillbillies doesn't watch anything other than CBS bullshit. I don't get it.

So many negative comments. Adam and the Ants were definitely my favorite 80s band. And their music holds up surprisingly well. I love how Adam Ant mixed native americans and pirates and british fancy lads into his appearance. Very clever.

I liked it, I'll give it another shot next week. I hope they drop that weird, cross-eyed girl with the gross mole on her face. She creeps me out.

I didn't think that coffee sketch was racist at all. It just seemed very NY-centric. I think it's racist when people automatically assume those were black voices. Either way, it was hilarious.

That was horribly unfunny. The Danielle film was the only skit that made me laugh. But how adorable was that girl in the band? Oh I loved her.

That wasn't a closet of oranges. That was the entire office of oranges. It's weird when people don't recognize the settings in a show they've allegedly been watching for 5+ years.

That's enough of this show.

Once again Los Angeles is better than New York! Pow!!

Where the hell do you live? Here in civilization, Los Angeles, we have thousands of doctors and nurses, hundreds of doctors offices and urgent care facilities, and it doesn't take that long to see a NURSE when you have a scratch on your nose.

Nice job embedding a video that's already been removed from YouTube.