
He spent 3 hours at the doctor for that tiny cut on his forehead? And didn't even get stitches? What was he doing there for 3 hours? And what kind of dopes do they have on their medical team that demanded he see a doctor? It was such a tiny scrape.

Ted falls in love with the bass player at the wedding of the girl he loves. Yeah, that seems like something this show would do. Her hand looked creepy. Eh, whatever.

Even I could tell this was an old episode. It was very distracting, I kept feeling confused and out of sorts. Let's not do this again.

Uh-oh, Chloe Moretz is getting dangerously close to being a creepy-looking adult. I hope it's just her awkward stage.

I didn't like how they just threw in all that stuff with the generals deciding to kill the president, or whatever they're going to do. But I guess that's what had to happen since the show is ending in a few weeks.

Pam grows more and more disgusting with each episode. Inside and out. She's horrible to look at and rotting on the inside. I'll give the writers credit for this character arc. From a lovely, innocent angel at the beginning, to a nightmarish beast from hell at the end. I hope the series ends by turning her into an

How come NYPD Blue doesn't get mentioned along with The Sopranos and The Wire? They were around the same time, and I think NYPD Blue was just as great.

Guess I'm the only one with this opinion. Interesting.

Is Max the grossest gay on tv on purpose? Or am I just totally skeeved out by him on my own? I go back and forth on him. Sometimes he's funny, sometimes he's just in the way. He's definitely the weak link on this awesome awesome show.

I love this show so much. I love the faces the girls make and the funny reactions to everything. I can't get enough of this. Twice a week yes!

Come on I still haven't seen season 2! Why isn't it on Netflix yet? How am I supposed to catch up?

Wait a minute, they left off Portlandia? Really? And nobody in the comments is mentioning it either? Was that show not on tv this year? I'm nonplussed.

Wait a minute, they left off Portlandia? Really? And nobody in the comments is mentioning it either? Was that show not on tv this year? I'm nonplussed.

The list started off wacky, but ended well. Bunheads? Top 14 worked for me, maybe in a different order. Can't disagree with Breaking Bad at 1 and Mad Men at 2. I sure am glad AMC canceled both of them. What?

The list started off wacky, but ended well. Bunheads? Top 14 worked for me, maybe in a different order. Can't disagree with Breaking Bad at 1 and Mad Men at 2. I sure am glad AMC canceled both of them. What?

The season is over? Is that what the reviewer was saying in that weird bullet point at the end? What the hell am I supposed to watch? All the shows are ending!

The season is over? Is that what the reviewer was saying in that weird bullet point at the end? What the hell am I supposed to watch? All the shows are ending!

I don't know what that means. This show is hilarious!

I don't know what that means. This show is hilarious!
