
This is the best that podcasts have to offer? Those annoying Sklar twins? Paul Tomkins? Doug Benson? Two random dudes talking about how fascinating their stupid lives are? The dude from Talking Dead? NPR? A sex columnist? I'm shocked that people actually download these things and listen to them for hours. Jay Mohr has

I thought that was so cool when they killed the wife, but then they ruined it. This show needs to kill some main characters. They've got nothing to stick around for.

I thought that was so cool when they killed the wife, but then they ruined it. This show needs to kill some main characters. They've got nothing to stick around for.

I have Modern Family Fatigue.

I have Modern Family Fatigue.

I can't remember a season ending with four good guys. This is strange. And while it seems like it would be boring, this has been one of the better seasons in years. Just all around odd. I think Lisa is going to pull this out somehow. She might have played the best game and the other players might recognize that. Or

I can't remember a season ending with four good guys. This is strange. And while it seems like it would be boring, this has been one of the better seasons in years. Just all around odd. I think Lisa is going to pull this out somehow. She might have played the best game and the other players might recognize that. Or

Not bad at all! Way better than I was expecting.

Not bad at all! Way better than I was expecting.

What do any of these numbers mean?

What do any of these numbers mean?

Yeah, the worst part about this season was how they got rid of Melfi. It seemed like they rushed through that whole thing with her, like they just wanted to wrap it up quickly and couldn't come up with anything good for her to do.

Yeah, the worst part about this season was how they got rid of Melfi. It seemed like they rushed through that whole thing with her, like they just wanted to wrap it up quickly and couldn't come up with anything good for her to do.

This sounds boring.

This sounds boring.

I can't believe that was Julie Hagerty! One of the rare instances where Hollywood plastic surgery paid off. She looks amazeballs!

I can't believe that was Julie Hagerty! One of the rare instances where Hollywood plastic surgery paid off. She looks amazeballs!

This wasn't the best episode of the season, but it still cracked me up. That blonde girl, where did she come from? She's beautiful and sweet and just a great, funny character. Very rare. I'm disappointed to hear that this show is on its way out. Hope the reviewer is wrong.

This wasn't the best episode of the season, but it still cracked me up. That blonde girl, where did she come from? She's beautiful and sweet and just a great, funny character. Very rare. I'm disappointed to hear that this show is on its way out. Hope the reviewer is wrong.

What? Everybody liked this episode except me? It had a few good bits here and there, but overall it just sucked. I'm so bored with Schmidt and Cece. In fact, all the boring relationships on this show are boring. The episodes focused on these couples are the worst. Like this one. Even with Olivia Munn. I usually love