
What? Everybody liked this episode except me? It had a few good bits here and there, but overall it just sucked. I'm so bored with Schmidt and Cece. In fact, all the boring relationships on this show are boring. The episodes focused on these couples are the worst. Like this one. Even with Olivia Munn. I usually love

I love Kitty Pryde. Everything she touches is gold.

I love Kitty Pryde. Everything she touches is gold.

I don't like this list. But I don't think that's a stance against the avclub people. I think maybe it was just a weak year in music. I like Frank Ocean, but come on. That's the best one? It's not your fault.

I don't like this list. But I don't think that's a stance against the avclub people. I think maybe it was just a weak year in music. I like Frank Ocean, but come on. That's the best one? It's not your fault.

I thought this was one of the few good episodes this season. I can't remember any other good ones, so maybe this was the best one. I laughed aloud on a number of occasions! I liked how everything was Ted's throughout the show, that cracked me up. But they need to put this pathetic Robin thing to rest already.

I thought this was one of the few good episodes this season. I can't remember any other good ones, so maybe this was the best one. I laughed aloud on a number of occasions! I liked how everything was Ted's throughout the show, that cracked me up. But they need to put this pathetic Robin thing to rest already.

Good god he calls himself Big Boi. I can't get over that.

Good god he calls himself Big Boi. I can't get over that.

It looks good. Maybe the twist this time is that there is no twist! OH snap! Right?

It looks good. Maybe the twist this time is that there is no twist! OH snap! Right?

As a proud resident of the center of the hipster universe, Silverlake/Los Feliz area, I appreciated this episode. But hipsters get a bad rap. What's so awful about turning a shit-hole area into a place full of nice restaurants and shops? I wish you could have seen Downtown LA 5 years ago, compared to now. Hipsters!

As a proud resident of the center of the hipster universe, Silverlake/Los Feliz area, I appreciated this episode. But hipsters get a bad rap. What's so awful about turning a shit-hole area into a place full of nice restaurants and shops? I wish you could have seen Downtown LA 5 years ago, compared to now. Hipsters!

I'm so confused by this awesome show. How can there possibly be another season? It's over. What's left?

I'm so confused by this awesome show. How can there possibly be another season? It's over. What's left?

The Maine justice thing was funny. And the crystals. I upgraded my vote to D!

The Maine justice thing was funny. And the crystals. I upgraded my vote to D!

Jamie Foxx was horrible. This was one of the worst episodes ever. That dermot mcroney game show saved it, but the way Jamie hijacked every sketch kept it at a D-minus.

Jamie Foxx was horrible. This was one of the worst episodes ever. That dermot mcroney game show saved it, but the way Jamie hijacked every sketch kept it at a D-minus.

What is this show? What channel?