
The biggest problem I continue to have with this show is Pam sucks. I hate her character. But she's right, Jim is an idiot giving 10k to some ridiculous sports marketing scam. Even if they aren't straight-up scamming him, it's a bullshit investment. Also I don't care much for Andy Bernard's singing storylines. He

More importantly though, the yellow team needs to start losing, because they need to start weeding out their annoying people - Abi, Artis, and the young guy who isn't Malcolm. I'm tired of them, and they're going to get more tiresome and annoying as the crowd is dispersed and they become a bigger part of the show. I

More importantly though, the yellow team needs to start losing, because they need to start weeding out their annoying people - Abi, Artis, and the young guy who isn't Malcolm. I'm tired of them, and they're going to get more tiresome and annoying as the crowd is dispersed and they become a bigger part of the show. I

How is Penner calling the shots, and how is he the downfall of Kalabaw? Jeff is clearly calling the shots, and the girls and Carter are the weak spots. Those were some strange observations by the writer here.

How is Penner calling the shots, and how is he the downfall of Kalabaw? Jeff is clearly calling the shots, and the girls and Carter are the weak spots. Those were some strange observations by the writer here.

This show is falling into a dull trap. It's still good for a few big laughs, but I've had enough.

This show is falling into a dull trap. It's still good for a few big laughs, but I've had enough.



I love this show. But once again, the least interesting plot is the two characters hooking up. That ruins every show.

I love this show. But once again, the least interesting plot is the two characters hooking up. That ruins every show.

Finally! That was annoying.

Finally! That was annoying.

It always starts its seasons strong? You mean all both times before this season?

It always starts its seasons strong? You mean all both times before this season?

Wow that was some serious over-analyzing here.

Wow that was some serious over-analyzing here.

I'm not very familiar with Bruno Mars, but he's definitely an entertainer with great energy and a lot of charisma. Having said that, they didn't know what to do with him and this was one of the worst episodes in years. I don't think I laughed once outside of weekend update. What was that Pandora mess? And the haters

I'm not very familiar with Bruno Mars, but he's definitely an entertainer with great energy and a lot of charisma. Having said that, they didn't know what to do with him and this was one of the worst episodes in years. I don't think I laughed once outside of weekend update. What was that Pandora mess? And the haters

My joke went way over your head. See, the review started off by complaining about the argument that women aren't funny. So I went with that. Hilarious.