
My joke went way over your head. See, the review started off by complaining about the argument that women aren't funny. So I went with that. Hilarious.

I'm glad they addressed this issue of why anyone would stay on the sub. But the resolution was bullshit. There's no way anybody would stay there if they were given the chance to leave. Unless somehow he found a crew full of people with no families, blind loyalty, and a strange desire to wash dishes, clean bathrooms,

I'm glad they addressed this issue of why anyone would stay on the sub. But the resolution was bullshit. There's no way anybody would stay there if they were given the chance to leave. Unless somehow he found a crew full of people with no families, blind loyalty, and a strange desire to wash dishes, clean bathrooms,

This show does nothing for me other than feed the flame of hatred I have for Pam. An entire episode about Jim getting her some pie. Fuck Pam.

This show does nothing for me other than feed the flame of hatred I have for Pam. An entire episode about Jim getting her some pie. Fuck Pam.

Is this "Pilot Virulet" character male or female? I'm guessing a woman, because he/she isn't very funny.

Is this "Pilot Virulet" character male or female? I'm guessing a woman, because he/she isn't very funny.

Yes, last season was great. This episode did not interest me. Aliens, priests, dirty nuns, nuns who liked to get spanked, characters from last season in different roles now, everything is 1964 except for future blowjobs, whatever. Actually, it kinda sounds interesting when I type it all out. Like I said, I'll stick

Yes, last season was great. This episode did not interest me. Aliens, priests, dirty nuns, nuns who liked to get spanked, characters from last season in different roles now, everything is 1964 except for future blowjobs, whatever. Actually, it kinda sounds interesting when I type it all out. Like I said, I'll stick

I accidentally turned this show on for a few minutes. How does this exist?

I accidentally turned this show on for a few minutes. How does this exist?

Could this be the funniest sketch show ever? Seriously, I can't remember a show that makes me laugh this hard, this often. Look, I'm laughing right now just thinking about the episode, how he pronounced the names in class. Their comedy is just plain old funny. Love these guys! A+ every time!

Could this be the funniest sketch show ever? Seriously, I can't remember a show that makes me laugh this hard, this often. Look, I'm laughing right now just thinking about the episode, how he pronounced the names in class. Their comedy is just plain old funny. Love these guys! A+ every time!

I knew Dawson was a goner as soon as she started messing with Jeff. Jeff does not put up with any nonsense. Go Dodgers!

I knew Dawson was a goner as soon as she started messing with Jeff. Jeff does not put up with any nonsense. Go Dodgers!

Luke is not aging well. It seems like he gets creepier with every episode.

Luke is not aging well. It seems like he gets creepier with every episode.

Really, B grade? I guess I was in the minority of people disappointed by this episode. It seemed all over the place, and I didn't really like the characters. Maybe I was just tired, I'll keep hanging in there.

Really, B grade? I guess I was in the minority of people disappointed by this episode. It seemed all over the place, and I didn't really like the characters. Maybe I was just tired, I'll keep hanging in there.

I couldn't even get through half of this episode. I'm at the point with this show where if it doesn't progress the main storyline, I'm gone. I'm only interested in the mother and how Barney and Sparkles hooked up. Lilly and Marshall are now boring people with a kid. Why would I want to watch an episode about them?