
Noooo, I couldn't care less about Lydia's personal life. I hope they're not going there. She's the worst stereotype ever. Everything about her life is a stereotype. But even worse, it's boring. I'm almost at the point where I'm going to fast forward through her scenes. And her new partner, Mr. Personality, isn't

I'm not a huge Michael Jackson fan, but they picked some of the worst possible Jackson songs for this episode. That is all.

We'll see how this goes.

Pie N' Burger! I haven't been there since early last year, so I'm going there for lunch today. Thanks!

How is she Jim Carrey's mom and daughter? That's creepy. Or is it some sort of riddle I have to figure out?

Yes! He's so good I forgot all about him on the OC. I think of him as the actor from Southland now. And the OC was the show that gave us Olivia Wilde.

I love love love this show, and I'm so glad it's back. But I hate to say it, I never feel invested in any plotline with Regina King's character. And it's also kind of distracting how she has a new partner every 2 or 3 episodes. Is this like a running gag? Just seems like she belongs on a different, less interesting

Hey yeah, what happened to Zooey's "best friend" on the show, that model? She wasn't invited on the party bus? Especially after she seemed like she was going to hook up with Schmidt! Is she off the show? Someone tell me.

This episode was hilarious and brilliant. Even waste-of-space Anne was funny. Well, not really, but she wasn't in the way at all. So that's a score for her. The scene at the ice rink had me in tears from laughing so hard. You're welcome.

Where did this show come from? I just started watching it last week and it's hilarious! The only negative is that Elisha Cutberth (girl from 24) doesn't seem like she can keep up with the rest of the funny people. Maybe it's just been a slow couple of episodes for her.

I love The Walkmen, one of my all-time favorite bands. So it always cracks me up that the first time I ever heard them was when they appeared on The OC. I will always appreciate that show for them, Rachel Bilson, and  Olivia Wilde. Not bad!

I was so happy with this episode because I never liked Adriana. I didn't like the actress or the character.

Higher standards for Glee? I don't know, I just drop any high-falutin' expectations when I watch Glee. The show is all over the place, that's part of its charm. Just singing and dancing and stupid jokes. I guess it can be a bit frustrating if you're trying to keep up with storylines that are treated seriously. I watch

I just feel like the reviewer, Todd VanDerWerff, has a blinding, passionate, raging hatred of this show and it prevents him from seeing anything clearly. He misses the simplest little jokes and takes them as horrific mistakes. Like the "end times" joke. It was just random and out of nowhere, like a lot of the best

I don't like the gimmick where Maggie never talks in flash-forwards to the future. It's so distracting and pointless.

Haha, I just saw the clip on Youtube! That was classy. But I don't see how anything was Nicole's fault. Sounds to me like it was America's fault for voting her off, and then the little girl had a temper tantrum - after she pretended to be "ok with whatever they decided."

What happened?

It was cute the first time, a second one is just unnecessary.

No no no, this episode was bullshit. I hate when this show pulls the rug out from under us. It's not cute or clever, just annoying. I give it a D+ for trickery.

I don't like this relationship between Ben and Leslie. It''s not fun or funny. It's kind of creepy. And it takes time away from funny situations with the Indian guy or Andy or Ron. More Entertainment720, less sad-puppy relationship blather.