Callipygian Pigeon

I think the thing about this is who gaf? The issue isn't about the copyright's legitimacy (as I see it), it's that such a culturally diffuse object can be copyrighted at all, and have that copyright stand. I don't know, this feels like a technicality.

There is nothing about that photo that isn't sexy as fuck except for the acute sensation of passing time, irreversible aging, and foreboding death.

I wondered that too, esp since I have a lot of faith in Dowd as a writer, but "hack" and "hatchet" evoke very similar actions, while the former has a meaning that aligns with what he intended, and the latter has a totally different meaning. Eh, idk. I think "hatchet job" is going the way of "begs the question", and

Yo this is the second AV Club article in 24 hours to use "hatchet job" when they mean "hack job." I didn't say anything with Hassenger's (very good) essay on marvel soundtracks, but AV Club plz.

Since it would be pointless to name my friend and from whom he heard stuff, I've gotta give this one to you. There is no publicly available combination of named accuser and named accused.

They aren't anonymous & I heard it confirmed outside of the internet, but solid hustle, solid effort.

Egalitarianism ignores history. The concept of a hate crime is literally non-egalitarian because it suggests that certain groups deserve greater legal protection than others because historically they are at greater risk of violence. But who thinks hate crime laws are bad? And I agree that "removal of barriers" is good

Whoops, I didn't mean to suggest they want different things. As far as I can tell, feminists and egalitarians do want the same thing. What differs between them is methodology (and what that methodology reveals about their relationship to the movement and subconscious beliefs, but that's another matter). And I do,

It's a tricky issue for a lot of people, but I was referring specifically to women who don't want to call themselves "feminists" because feminists are too angry, but more than that men who think feminism is anti-egalitarian because feminists hate men and want to kill them or whatever. Often such people call themselves

It's not like I'm just saying shit and claiming truth because there's no proof to the contrary. I'm saying that people have said he's a creep, women saying he's said creepy shit, women saying he locked them in a room and masturbated in front of them. What proof do you need? They said it, that is more positive in terms

Yeah, for sure. Very public displays of anodyne progressivism can be really self-serving, and nothing here suggests Apatow is not doing that. I just don't want to poop on progressivism, however non-controversial it might be, until it becomes actively bad for progress.

Okay, I get that. I wasn't aware of the Jerry Lewis thing, so this seemed less like part of how Apatow handles stuff than a justified reaction to Cosby. And a tepid but not useless attack on the larger problem.

Honestly, it wasn't the article as much as the comments, which were "confirmed" (at least confirmed as circulating understanding, if not fact) by a friend of mine in comedy. Plus it's like… does it seem that unlikely? And what are the stakes of believing v. disbelieving? You don't have evidence, or even rumor or

"Dimed Out", the anthem that very specifically does not go up to eleven.

Keep in mind that Trainwreck is paying the AV Club so it's really not Marah's fault.

What do you mean? Is there a way to distinguish this (I mean, except in terms of quality) from Louis CK's feminist bits? I mean, Louis CK sexually harasses women, but is there a way for men to take on rape culture without being called "white knights"?

I can't if u serious

First there is the alarming whiteness of his casts, even when it doesn't make sense: in "Buffy" the whiteness makes sense & "Avengers" was out of his hands, but "Angel" was embarrassing in its attempt to deal with Gunn's blackness [they legit played "Gangsta Paradise" in his flashback…], "Much Ado About Nothing" only

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*Prince falsetto*