Callipygian Pigeon

The risk of AIDS transmission from oral sex is minimal, so drink a glass of OJ and have fun.

God at first I thought that was the Eastwood kid (Scott?) in the header photo and that I was reading an old review. Nope, but these movies sound as different as the two bearded inferiorities that star. who am I kidding though I love Westerns and genre pieces that spice themselves up with occult shit.

Yeah, "skewers the beauty business in its own language," this is a great review. I'm ambivalent about Refn (not neutral, but strongly positive and negative by turns), and it's really hard to articulate how his movies are both kind of empty and genuinely daring.


This is about as crypto-libertarian as I expected but I am going to watch the shit out of The Neon Demon.


Did my taste become garbage or is this the most solid set of monthly additions in a while?

lol I thought this was about the steely dan shows

Oh hey bands still don't play in south carolina cool i'll just… read i guess

I think it's incoherent, and incoherence combined with exotification is dangerous.

Also their place title is itself a weird failure. Let's see, Esau Mwamwaya is from Malawi, Baaba Maal is from Senegal, Beatenburg from South Africa. They don't even have an organizing musical principle like Simon. It only makes sense to name the album that as a reference to themselves/the tour/recording, which… who

Am I missing something? The Very Best are two white producers and a black emcee, and Beatenburg—of all South African collaborators to pick—are also white. And "borrows from Vampire Weekend with its bright Afropop guitar lines"… bleh (more M&S's fault that the review's, probably). I don't really care about M&S, but I

Wurp, sorry, I mean how like people always want women (e.g. Cara) to perform happiness and tell them to "smile, sweetheart" and stuff, and it's really gross.

It passes as moody when you're a woman. Ugh. So condescending.

I think also Bird managed to sneak in some truly bizarre imagery. It's narratively justified, but still bananas, like the hallway tripping out and a car materializing in mid air during a sandstorm. I guess these are technically part of setpiece business, but they take them into the next level *even of setpieces*, IMO

I do like the song, but yeah, very articulate objections are appreciated here.

think Drive is overall more unified, but I don't think a scene in it beats DoR's brothel/hallucination bit, nor does it quite conjure DoR's very deep fears. Too self-conscious. N.B. Drive always worked better for me as a romance, despite what people said about Carey Mulligan's character.

Yeah, like, the brothel massacre is levels on levels of direction, design, and gut-dread. That scene beats Drive at its own aesthetic


I was unprepared for how existentially terrifying Day of Reckoning was. Which is to say I was unprepared for a horror movie, but the action in it carries the weight of real death.