Callipygian Pigeon

Totally! Like… did they just think "Alien is uncomfortably sexual, there's this French guy whose movies are uncomfortably sexual. This is a perfect fit, right, everyone??"

I think it has maybe the strongest ending of the series—and Jeunet at his grotesque, emotional best—although Alien 3's is great and at the time Alien's fakeout probably played better than now.

Try to handle my controversy

I like that this article can't even muster itself to *mention* "Alien: Resurrection," which sucked even more than "Aliens" (FIGHT ME)

Before the ball gets rolling on the actual discussion here, would like us all to admire this line: "beachside getaways familiar from cruise ship commercials and herpes medication ads"

I guess she passed her Last Fuckable Day…

Wild Mass Guessing really earning its title, but I think the series-as-myth makes a lot of sense. In Thunderdome he was already explicitly an object of myth, and yeah this does critical work instead of just combining it with Warhammer and Judge Dredd (??)

do you have a link for this? I'm interested in it, because having watched all of them now, almost every single aspect of Fury Road is telegraphed in a previous chapter, and that combined with Thunderdome's and Fury Road's explicit concern with mythologizing… I don't know, the theory seems almost redundant?

You are right.

Yeah I get it too, goddamn terrible. I always thought it was just me because for me the "shadow figure" is always literally satan (I grew up fundamentalist), so it seemed like a psychological quirk. I'm scared of but definitely am going to see The Nightmare when I can.

Erg he's like Brad Pitt without a soul.

Hmm. I think this is my biggest problem with the way I listen to music, and the one I'm least capable of fixing. I mistrust music that foreswears immediate pleasures (although that is not opposed to having layers or complexity), and besides, how to decide what music to give full attention to, when a cursory listen

What music is complex enough that it requires more attention than (say) indie rock?

Yeah, I agree it holds a weird place in their canon (to me, at least). I think "Entertain" is their best song, but it doesn't describe them. Although "No Cities to Love" is pretty Woods-y.

Are there "The Woods" naysayers? I need to fetch my white glove, for there are duels to be had.

"Best album by a band that no one's sure exists still, including its members."

Best single: "What D'You Say"

Hey girl,

I like Spike Lee at least in part by his inability to ever completely say what he wants. Watching cinema exceed his grasp is fascinating, and not a little instructive about the complexities of race.

Also Spielberg is Jewish and Tarantino is white.