Callipygian Pigeon

I thought that header image was an oil painting. I may be reevaluating my dislike of Technicolor

"My Dinner With Andre" is one of the best post-apocalyptic movies ever made.


OH MY GOD ME TOO Celebrity Skin is amazing tho so its ok

Yeah, people seem to forget that Hole was fucking great and lots of celebrities/people are weird.

TIL it's called a pizza saver

That sounds delightful, and now every time I get a book signed I'm asking the author to do a hand turkey.

Not Paul, RT's hands are just that soft.

Heh. When The Pale King came out, the school newspaper wanted me to interview DFW's old colleagues in the English department. I scrapped the article because only one person talked to me and the only thing he remembered was that DFW was really tall.

I met him once too. It was very brief so I only took away one detail: very weirdly baby soft hands.

Wow, that video has some really intense narration, but I like the analysis and seeing it get some love. And yeah, part of me is happy that I've seen it just so I can read about it. A bigger part of me than wants to rewatch it soon. Few movies have made me quite so hopeless.

I haven't actually had a good place anywhere to recommend this movie since I watched it, so you're getting it: Alien 3. Supposedly aggressively uninspired (against Fincher's wishes), and while not… good… it's compellingly bananas.

So is "Edward Zwick, director of The Last Samurai" just splitting the difference between "director of Glory" and "director of The Siege"?

Yeah, like, while denying contemporary Islamophobia and anti-Semitism is a serious problem, I think the comparison with Bamboozled clarifies that Ryan is adopting the book's (or tv audience's) perspective.

I don't that it's just the lack of humanitarian work, but the nasty idea of a wealthy, white band (although one with genuine connections to Haiti) using another culture as "art" and an "authentic" eating establishment when the culture it's taking from lives overwhelmingly in poverty. That, combined with no direct

God I'm so excited for this. Bluets and The Art of Cruelty are two of the best books I've ever read. Nelson is fucking relentless about the difficulties of being a person who isn't totally in control of their identity or feelings.

Yeah, I thought the scene was pretty subtle considering that's is built to be a blunt machine. I liked that Coach chose to get food instead of explaining systemic racism to Nick. It seemed pretty real for him to, by agreeing with Winston, tell Nick that it's a problem he won't really understand in an emotional way,

Not with my search history…

I feel about comments on nudity in this movie sort of like how John Darnielle feels about "Hotel California"

Well, it is summer.