
Quite excited to see this, having watched the original. A homage is quite okay for me as long as they stick to certain details which I liked from the original. The spider tank being here is a nice first step.

One thing that was a bit odd: how did Jack get back his shoes? I don't see him carrying them when he blew up the grenade belt… Could that be an animation oversight?

You forgot the one other thing that makes at least some Jollibee branches in the US special: They serve Halo-Halo dessert their too.

I highly recommend ICEY for those 2D brawler lovers there. Probably the game that most surprised me this year on how good it is; game-play and story-wise.

"the most renowned interpretation (of lechon) comes from the island province of Cebu."

Less adventurous Filipinos, still do 'eat balut' with some modifications. They just don't want to see the chick so the chop up the balut to make everything quite unrecognizable and cook it a second time. One known dish is Balut ala Pobre, basically Filipino Adobo(ng) Balut. That's how I usually eat it.

It is to my understanding that Moore was pretty known for the copious amount of notes he had FOR EVERY PANEL of the comics where he is a writer on. We're not talking about a mere 50 or one hundred page manuscript with the dialogue and suggested guidelines for the artist, but enough written material to to fill a a

At 8 years-old, I tried drawing a foot tattoo the first time I watched the movie, couldn't do it. Asthma sucked.

Whenever Satoshi Kon is mentioned, I remember how unfair life really is. Dood was poised to be as great as Miyazaki. Such a shame.

Did they even consult Garth Ennis on the direction they were going? Are they so scared that they won't be renewed for another season that they're pushing all this stuff at once?

BraveStarr was not that underrated but it was pretty good and dealt with some mature stuff. The concept was also pretty unique. I believe it would actually be awesome if someone could adapt into some sort of live-action sci-fi series or movie. (barring the concept of a Native American having stereotypical Native

Bu-bu-but Shakespeare works were designed to entertain the masses with the spectacle of blood and sex and considered quite low-brow during his time right?

"Can't get the goddamn thing to go online."
"They told me it would be easy. It's not though."
Microsoft must reeeeally love that Surface Pro tie-in
(though, the Surface Pro is actually a pretty awersome device)

I am hoping for evolution though. Maybe a sequel or a team-up IF this film is successful (which it looks likely to be given the number of Deadpool 'fanboyz' ) would evolve our guy, like in the comics, into the best Deadpool characterization, well ever IMHOP: X-Force Deadpool. Then , plop him back into Way territory

Orson Welles also played Othello in the 1952 film, notable for being the Palme d'Or winner of that same year. Seriously, I'm calling into question ScreenCrush's film-geek credentials if they missed something that significant!

Incidentally, aren't Gayle and Mr. Frond supposed to be seperated in the recent Thanksgiving episode?

Helen Mirren was in this one. Her nude scenes were quite excellent.

The use of the India-Pakistan Wagah border ceremony fit perfectly.

Here's hoping the main baddy in end turns out to be an aged Sith Lord named Jar Jar Binks. Call backs are great but I definitely would love a twist.

Needs more bibinka