
I would have wanted to binge-watch Hannibal

I still remember the really funny scene involving Chow's 'training' while they're performing kung-fu in the foreground.

Well if Proyas makes a Saint Seiya adaptation count me in.

Hopefully this is the end of the art immitating life bit. I don't want to hear that Kojima drowned himself in a family pool somewhere.

I haven't seen a single good series that didn't have at least several just ok-to-bad episodes. I'm a little bit more forgiving as a result. Heck, writers are faulty humans after all.

I feel lucky knowing I don't have Magic Sperm or my GF would probably do something a lot worse than splitting in two, and murdering me.

Wow, WTH are you running it on? Even an old Intel Sandy Bridge computer with integrated graphics can run it.

Diet Coke. Because he's watching his weight:P

Ya, but scanning the news outlets, it's looking more of a Steam fault than a Neatherealm one. I'm personally gonna wait until the Mortal Kombat X Komplete Edition comes out like the iteration before it (Mortal Kombat 9). Fighting games, hell most games have always been a solitary experience for me anyway (sad face)

I can probably re-purpose that sandwich maker to make some damn fine Bibingka.

Various R&B and smooth jazz is the SOP, but what remains constant every week in the publishing house I worked in is one particular song played every Friday over the intercoms just before closing time:
R Kelly - Ignition Remix. We never seem to get tired of that song played at that particular time.

It makes me a bit sad that Mavis got knocked up by that annoying human.

That was exactly what I was referring to. If not for places like the UP Film Institute, I wouldn't even have heard of the films you mentioned.

Ya, indie films in the Philippines seem so one note nowadays, what with Filipino filmmakers forcibly exoticizing their own culture (tropes of poverty, violence, trash, and misery) instead of letting it flow naturally. Our own 'Supra Realism' could be something if people stopped trying to emulate Magical Realism.

Reminds me of the pies in Waitress. Those were really fine, and a lot easier to make.( As most pies are.

He was also a Catholic Writer, and his works are the product of a Catholic Imagination. Well, it was one of the premises in the thesis for my MA in Lit, so it must be true!

Easy. Double-dildo. Requiem For A Dream

Ah, parents speaking Taglish (Tagalog-English). Code-switching nuances really bother non-Asian people a lot.

Well, it says the 'best' (subjective) so, it's understandable, and I guess the guys making up the list must be young 20 somethings while I'm about 30 so more entrenched in the 80's/90's 'golden age' (subjective) of Saturday morning cartoons. I personally would put Mighty Max, Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars, Superman

Well, as expected, Secretary is the better film.