
Oh shit. Someone make that fan-fiction thing: Rick Sanchez vs One-Punch Man. Can Rick use science to negate plot armor? Immovable object vs Unstoppable force. Who will win, and how will he win? Go. go. go.

For a time during my younger years, I thought Pickles came from a Pickle Plant. It was mind blowing for my young, 18 year old self, after believing that for so long to learn it actually came from cucumbers. I love cucumbers, especially with a simple vinaigrette of vinegar, a little salt a little sugar, a little

I had my doubts about Herr Starr in the series. But this depiction of him is great. (An Ennis character through and through ) and if more of that crazy, silliness is introduced then,
Humperdidoo, It's Buggerin' Time! in the future.

He's more of a dick than an asshole.

Every episode makes me anticipate how they're gonna handle (if ever) Allfather D'Aronique, the Messiah and to a lesser extent Jesus De Sade. Comic book sensibilities in the nineties and to some extent to the present may not translate well into our PC or Alex Jones'y present Particularly All Father and the Messiah

If they decide to evict him, it won't effect him that much. He's just vlog the whole court thing, then vlog the moving thing, then vlog the new house tour, all while earning all that CPM money. He'll then repeat all this stuff all over again in a new location while 'gifting' a new set of neighbors with his presence.

Ah Franco-Belgian comics based movies! I actually movie quite faithful to at least the sense of wondert and WTF that is omni-present in a majority of Space Opera type of BDs. I always get a sense that they infused some Captain Harlock or Galaxy Express 999 in their narratives, since those were pretty popular in

So not really a teleportation machine, more like a "Blorfer" (American Dad) : A Fax Machine. This is an advancement in facsimile technology.

Shit. Little Busters is playing in my head again:)

I also highly recommend Harrow County. Excellent Southern-Gothic comic.

Wow, really, the demise of Gawker is a grey area? One thing, I seemed to observe united a majority of left-wing and right-wing Americans was the condemnation of what Gawker did in this event.

I was expecting some exploration of the original Wonder Woman trope/philosophy: That she and other people often gets tied up by the rope as William Moulton Marston wanted to emphasize submission, meaning control of self for both men and women. Is it present here or is it all strong, independent woman, hear me roar

I was half expecting the sword suddenly appearing right at the end with a trapped Aku inside, whispering to Jack. " You know, samurai, we can do this again, right?" Then, Jack grabbing the sword-fade to black- ending song. But, this ending is cool too, because it is pretty optimistic at least, refreshing.

Well, my thinking is that no one could ever defeat Aku in the Future even with sword and Ashi. It was practically impossible. He was a God. Sure you could injure him to an extent but he would always regenerate. So fights would end with a stalemate with Aku retreating, but regrouping with more power, since the entire

I was introduced to Anne through the Nippon Animation adaptation, and this is almost everything I've imagined a live action version of that would be! It got a little dark a bit though, but nothing like watching some Dog of Flanders to erase that from your mind.

I wish I had the power to get a woman pregnant, simply by getting her to drink a black,viscous fluid that I secrete. All this sex stuff is hard work!

So the t-shirts with "Smash the Patriarchy" now mean "fuck a father figure"? Cool.
Differance in action.

Oh, goody another Stephen King "coming of age" story. Nostalgia! Question is, can I bring my cousin, who is 10 to watch this, because he's the same age when uncle let me watch 'Stand By Me' with him? Hmmm.

But think about how much hurt you would cause the left if you beat them in their own game? Assuming of course there are still journalists there with enough intellectual acumen capable of comprehending how much that would hurt liberals and be ever so satisfying.

Has there ever been a right-wing identified (like how ProPublica is identified as left-wing given it's Democratic ties) investigative journalism outlet that has ever won the Pulitizer? I wonder how people here will take it when one wins during a Trump Presidency. As in, legit wins, not that Pizza gate bull. God