
Is this the first glee review where the community grade is higher than the actual grade? (As of posting, A-). Probably not, but it's certainly the first I've noticed. Worth it. Even if it's an episode shamelessly pandering to a demographic that probably doesn't watch this show by this point, I was so down for all of

Yeah, definitely not a Finchel fan because of so much of the icky subtext, but by this point it seems to be about as Endgame as it can be so fingers crossed that means they're gonna drag out the inevitable reconciliation.

@avclub-e0ffb5f5ebc766c197a156e63a4668b8:disqus I think the difference is the reclamation efforts. Brittany's had a (sort-of) comeback. The Divas they chose were 'icons', of a sort. Spice Girls, Wham, even Manilow, they're products of an era more than they are transcendent, and they were considered a sort of

Wow, I just became the guy who instantly whips out youtube videos, huh? Shame on me.

I'm a sucker for a Makeover-failure-montage, and an even bigger sucker for Maria Thayer, so this was a solid A.

The Fortress… Is his penis.

@avclub-7c3fc7b36ca0b50e93de38d73329b7cf:disqus Fox has pretty much said that they're literally just sorting out the money matters.

It's fairly certain it was shelved only because of her New Normal commitments. If it hadn't been picked up for a full season, I don't doubt Sue and Roz taking on Figgins would have been a big thing (Nene Leakes mentioned on twitter that NN wrapped last week, so I'm guessing this is no coincidence).

Apparently everyone does? I do not understand it at all. The only contextual clue was that it could have been someone in the library based on the reaction shots.

I really liked this! Like, a few of the line readings just seemed a little off, but the direction really gelled for me and the opening two minutes were perhaps my favourite two minutes of TV this year. Like, I'm reluctant to say that about glee (I like it, but I don't think it's generally ever been that kind of TV),


I always liked 30 Rock's product placement, which was either over-the-top for laughs or incredibly self-referential (I'm looking at you, Snapple).

Maybe not. Better to come to that decision yourself than complain in the comments, though.

Oh, so many inappropriate responses that could be made to this. I'm spoiled for choice!

He's one of the jumping Greyjoys. Joey Richter is just delightful.

I've settled on that too, but the fact that there's no lead into it other than Artie saying that at some point they're gonna make it leaves it a bit of a "huh" moment. A single shot of him with a camera (or of any cameras) would have made the whole thing make a sort of sense.

Well christ. A quick check of the glee wiki (spoilers, obvs) says "There is a [spoiler thing], which is not a joke and will not be treated as one. Although no one will get [thing this spoiler does]. It is not a [thing it would logically be that's been in the news a lot because spoilers] and you will not see anyone or

I just did not get Footloose. I wanted to. I wanted to see some sort of logic to it. It was fun, and there was dancing, and it would have been a nice way to end almost any other episode, they put it there. I mean, they did a car crash cliffhanger! Clearly they're not afraid of ending on the bad. I'm gonna close my
