
Trust me, Sybil wants the D.

Sssh, let them have their joy. The pain of the AV Club's true face can come later.

I'm still waiting for Malk.

Hey, c'mon, it's mouserat, how could you not sing along? HOW COULD ANYONE NOT?

Preach it.

Idina's fun but after her last 'plot', I'd rather see the Berry dads come back. The 'What are you boys talking about scene' from last year's valentines episode still pops into my head every now and then.

There's a reason it says "Showing 111 Reasonable Discussions" (and that is because someone set disqus comments up that way)

@avclub-342a0d6b2478c74b7aac2438dd188a61:disqus I'm assuming that "Two and a Half Vests" is the spin-off where they travel around with Sue's baby.

Just because we remember something happening in Glee's first season doesn't mean that Glee doesn't or, at the very least, wasn't included because the show tends to run on overarching themes and not storylines.

@avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus Meh, with an episode like this, shippers gonna ship. This show has its rabid shippers, and I'm sure the Brochel and Finchel camps will be at war over this. Doesn't bother me, I've stopped paying attention altogether.

*Golf claps*

Embracing your addiction is the first step to recovery from being on the wagon.

Good lord, did Mark Salling look his age in the first bit of the episode. Made the "dating a sophmore" thing hella creepy.

I can hear the fanfiction writing itself.

Well yeah, that's where my mind went. Although, it was Valentines, the day of lonely single people of both genders, so who knows? Crossing my fingers for the scene where Brody tells either Kurt or Rachel his prices.

I'd watch THAT show!
… By which I mean, yeah, totally. It's accidental chemistry to ship by.

Insert Faberry sob-cries here.

Gigolo or rentboy? Did I zone out and it showed the gender of his partner? I'm seeing tweets about him sleeping with women.

I'll watch THAT episode!

I just finished it (YES I COMMENT ON THINGS I'VE YET TO SEE) and I did pretty much enjoy it too. Laughed my ass off at quite a bit. Yeah, it's messy, but it's fun messy. That's still all I need. Besides, Getting Married Today has to be an all-time classic. I vote Emma for New Rachel.