
No, I take all of those back and nominate "Say Yes To The Vest".

It'd be called "Vested Interest", "Vests of the Southern Wilds" or "Vest Wishes", I know that much.

I dunno, I'd watch a Will/Finn wife-search spin-off, but I'm pretty sure I'd watch it for the same reasons I watch Honey Boo-Boo.

Of course Ryan Shay loves art-house movies. Bless this show.

For the love of all that is holy, SOMEONE get them to record a reading of this as a podcast or video or something!

You're quite right, except non-Aphrodite straight women are more likely to be present in the lives of other non-Aphrodite women than the non-Adonis Gay scenario. While it's obviously not a perfect catch rate, a fat gay teen is less likely to be around fat gay role models than a fat straight girl teen is likely to be

Oh yeah, there's plenty of non-Adonis sexing, but it comes with some of the strangest caveats of all.

I think the obvious problem with saying "Open your eyes!" to the Not All Adonises problem is buried alongside the same one Dan actually points out - none of the people he mentions ever aspired to be underwear models. Most of them, though? They're fairly sexless. They're public figures, sure, and I may have seen Ian

@avclub-45543849d625055bbb097f660db18533:disqus I guess that's why you're the Company Whipping Boy.

I'll take that "Way to Go Buddy", as is becoming the norm.

If there's one thing I disapprove of, it's ASP's reliance on people who could share a biography with every other character on television. I felt the same way about Roman, but apparently having him be anything but a Basketball player who wears guyliner is risky. Or something. God knows I love her, but I'm increasingly

I don't think that the show would be any better or worse with boys and a panoply of sexualities. In fact, conventional stereotyping (for fun and profit) suggests that all those background boys have some turbulent puberties ahead of them. I personally hope that the show complicates at least one of the girls'

… Is it, though? I did a quick google and found nothing to corroborate this, although admittedly "Bunhead Sikh" isn't a perfect search. Certainly it sounds like one, people have pointed out that it shares the common construction, and certainly I can think of slurs that end with -head, but it's pretty common knowledge

I believe that was me, and I will take that "well played".

I never don't tear up at the in-episode version, so I can't bring myself to actually watch that one. By far, THE SADDEST SONG.

Proposed Alternate titles:
"Like Those Fun Car Trips",
"She Hasn't Even Told Her Brother",
"I Love Money".
"A very poorly staged version of Mein Herr"

They're intense, but like Teen Wolf's Sterek shippers they're mostly at least aware that their ships won't be canon. I personally think Glee takes the cake if only because it's a melting pot of ships that could happen, and straaaaaaaange people who get angry when they do / don't / whatever.

Also, if we're being horrifyingly specific, I technically ship Todd/RyanMurphyPresentsDylanMcDermot

Which is precisely why I find the fact that their shippers are so rabid fascinating. It's like being in the middle of a week-long snowstorm and complaining about the individual snowflakes that just now fell on your hand aren't pretty enough. There'll be more soon enough, and it'll eventually be what you want.

In the less silly world, shipping is basically the thing that made me use tumblr 10x less than I once did. I'm surprised there's no mention of Glee here, which has I think the most rabid "I demand this ship happen otherwise I won't watch any more" shippers I think I've ever encountered (I saw someone give up on the