
In the less silly world, shipping is basically the thing that made me use tumblr 10x less than I once did. I'm surprised there's no mention of Glee here, which has I think the most rabid "I demand this ship happen otherwise I won't watch any more" shippers I think I've ever encountered (I saw someone give up on the

I ship Todd/FOC. The ship name is FOdd. It's not very original.

Next season? My money's on next episode. This has never been a show too invested in the process of anything (which, I admit, can make it a little more entertaining). I give her three episodes, tops.

Watching Hamlet the Mini Pig on loop to stop the sobbing.

You know, that makes a lot of sense. For a show like this, they'd certainly benefit from moving between Tessa and George as "central figure of the week" instead of trying to treat them as consistent equals.

I feel like more than a few phrases in that review do not belong in anything that got no lower than a B-, but then again, it's how good this show is that the off weeks can be glaring.

It's a damn fine show at doing the gut punch.

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