
You mean steer Americans towards Democrats? Serious question. How does the Daily Show affect an election year besides making Republicans look bad to young people? I only started watching last year so maybe I'm missing something.

The hell are you and sarcasm detector talking about? His eyes look normal to me. Then again I've known him for years so maybe I'm used to his face.

One of the worst organizations in the world. I'd even take batshit crazy religious cults over these self-righteous deluded morons. At least they keep they're stupid beliefs to themselves mostly.

Kevin Hart is good first guest choice for him. May not mean much but I know for a fact that'll appeal to Trevor's current (mostly South African) fanbase. Plus they have a similar sense of humour, which I guess is not really a compliment but could go a long way for chemistry between them.

I'm with you. Hell I even support this kind of trash talking. More aggressive competition among Television providers means more entertainment for us. Even if most of it ends up coming from said heated competition that's still a plus for us.

Woah that's a bold statement. It's probably true though I mean does Netflix have even one universally praised show? I haven't watched Daredevil yet and considering Arrested Development Season 4 on it's own I would say they don't have any amazing shows at all. Just very few good and sometimes great shows.

I wonder if this show will actually get any good. I gave up on it really fast early in the first season cause I have low tolerance for repetitive network procedurals. But I like Batman and this show has a good premise. If it was on AMC it would probably be a big hit but being on FOX i'm having a hard time believing

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Bill Hader seems like a busy guy. Is he still doing full-time writing and voice acting for South Park?

"Kinda weird that you were that willing to sell out my existence for some trim Morty."

“Words have power to move people, sometimes in positive ways, sometimes in very negative ways. Public speakers must be prepared for that. And they sometimes have to back up their words with force,”

Jimmy Neutron was always kind of boring and uncreative. It's just that as a kid the concept alone was interesting enough to get you to watch. I don't remember it being bad though just nothing special.

"Hey what are those hooks? Get outta here you hookers!"

AS needs to do something about it's slow animation production. Shows like The Boondocks and Rick and Morty could be bigger hits on the level of South Park and Archer under better management.

Christopher Nolan. Summer Release Date. That's all I need to know. Time to go reserve my ticket.

So there shouldn't be any fan service? Or should there be more fan-service for the "female gaze"?

Well I've never watched Lord of the Rings. The fantasy sequences didn't bother me at all. Infact of all the movies I think this is the funniest. Not the best because of the unfocused storyline but it had the highest frequency of laugh out loud funny jokes for me.

One of the most memorable lines of the show for me.

"Ooh la la, Someone's gonna get laid in college"

"Sure Morty, Just be back before sundown or the Tree people will eat you."