
Seth Rogen recommended this show on Twitter. What's with him and Comedy Central anyway? Just get a show there already.

Agree with your comment about Archer Vice. In the middle of rewatching it myself and Pam's cocaine addiction really dragged the show down.

These movies were my entry into Futurama and it sucks to see them so criticized. I thought they were amazing on first view and I'll probably be re-watching these movies and introducing them to people for the rest of my life. My favourite is Bender's Big Score and I think the funniest (but least cohesive) is Bender's

Anne should be getting better movie roles.What's Nolan doing next? Maybe she can star in the female lead movie people are pressuring Nolan to make.

You know what we don't have enough of? Superhero movies filled with jokes and puns. I wish Marvel were more successful so we get 2-3 of these type of movies every year. I'm so tired of the endless dark and gritty super hero blockblusters like this year's… umm, …uhh when was Man of Steel again?

The GTAV editor is really good. I think a wise developer should notice it's potential as an application of it's own. Rockstar could make GTA Movie Maker a full expansion and allow users to upload custom animations and models.

Yeah yeah kick the old geezer out and let's see what Colbert can do already.

They're even advertising it at cinemas here. "Watch it on the 24th April. One week before US release!" It's weird.

Anyone know why the US release of Avengers 2 is so late? And whether this a common occurrence.

Upvoted for your avi.

Michael Rapaport should consider doing voice acting. I think he could actually carry an animated sitcom.

I'm curious as to why you prefer technology the way it was in the 90s. So yeah, What's up with that?

I actually don't like workers in stores hassling me. I only want their attention when I need them. Having someone coming to you and greeting you, asking if you need help in every store would be annoying.

How many people do you know that have met Louis CK?

Yeah and that worked out so well for them didn't it. Faithful adaptions are sooo lucrative.

Hey I'm also currently dragging my way through Person Of Interest. I even skip parts in completely uneventful standalone episodes. The worst is when person of the week reveals the entire story the crew in dull exposition. You'll know it's coming when they ask "Who are you really?" cause they usually not too bothered

You're rape culture. I'll think of a better remark later.

Quick Google search, Dark Shadows sounds awesome. I'd watch that if they made it today. Even if it's very low-budget.

Yeah but I don't hate shows that focus on female character I just don't think the fact that they're focusing on female characters alone is worthy of praise. It's 2015 not the 60s. We've had cartoons like Kim Possible and Powerpuff Girls yet Korra being tough is supposed to be an achievement in social justice a whole

I don't think Lena Dunham is the voice of a generation. Infact I don't even think Girls is a great show but i find it interesting. I feel like it's something we almost never get on tv. An accurate realistic portrayal about a type of people not prevalent in the media or public eye. And the interesting thing the show