
Very ineffective cliffhanger. This episode could easily be the middle of a stronger season still ramping up.

Why is the sex at the end of this episode considered crazy? even by the protagonist? They both work on the show, he's an aspiring writer for said show and she's an actor on the show, It makes total sense that their dirty talk incorporated the show. Gus should have just enjoyed himself. I know he's supposed to be a

That's why it's Yeezus and not Yezus. Stick to your genres.

People on TV are getting unwanted Facebook requests? This is a sick world we live in.

I can't wait to see what this actually about. Whatever it is, it sounds crazy.

Your actually touching on one of the most discouraging aspects of streaming services. If you get invested in them and start building up a comprehensive music library you'll be tied to them forever. If for whatever reason you can't keep paying or the service shuts down then you lose a significant chunk of your music

Tell that to Steam and Netflix.

Play more online co-op games.

Why though? If they weren't interesting enough to compel you to finish them then maybe you should move on and play games that don't feel like a chore.

I hate it when people dismiss online multiplayer because of something as inconsequential as annoying mic users. That reason pisses me off because most people who say that feel superior for it. Like "I don't play online cause I don't want 10 year olds screaming the N-word in my ear." Well jokes on you cause your almost

They do mention it in the show and on Wikipedia it's described as a popular syndicated radio talk show. Yeah that room was unconvincing that's my point. Her whole identity as a former child star turned popular talk show host was poorly portrayed.

They specifically mention that it's the most popular talk show in America. My overall point is she was portrayed unrealistically for someone with her background and current status.

You mean the host of the most popular talk show in America? Yeah, her role was sooo convincing.

Well to be fair it only got bad around the time of Lasers.

This show sounds like its for hard-on progressives only but I checked out the song up there and it actually sounds really good. Only thing i've ever seen that suggests that I could enjoy this show.

I like Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking more. Kinda weird that she went on to write for Modern Family.

That'll only make future episodes ad breaks more distracting. Remember the constant commercial break format is done to get the viewer used to that way of viewing programs. That's why they'd rather repeat ads for the channel's content than play ad-less content when no ad space has been bought for that time.

Oh shit I forgot that the last season of Peep Show was coming this year! Love that show.

I am. I'm already tired of Marvel movie quips and I'm readily anticipating the return to more serious comic book fare like The Dark Knight. We have tons of light comic book movies, lets see what else we can do with the source material.

Yeah I'm sure the world is begging for more campy Superman.