
Sorry, Jesse's flash of realization was a little too forced. How could he put together lifting the pot with lifting a cigarette out of a cigarette pack in an instant? It was too much of a leap for me.

Marie does not act like a ditz for the first time on this show.

Why didn't Hank take a picture of the book pages instead of taking the book?

Agree. Terrible finale. The only normal person on the show is the serial killer?

The reviewers trumpeted Sackhoff all last season, also. I think she is terrible and irritating in this role.
I do agree Robert Taylor is great in this show. Sure, the heavy procedural content can get tiresome, and the mysterious and unconvincing tormented past of Longmire is a big distraction, but what makes this show

Are you sure it was not Fast and Furious 6 that caused you to quit?

I think the coffee was supposed to represent fecal matter after being raped. I do not think Teddy was raped. Teddy is one of two characters on the show that are black and white. Teddy is an unrelenting ass. His father is the good guy. The rest all have shades of grey.

The premise of this show was that Frank was going to wreak his revenge on the President by passing him over for Secretary of State. Unless Frank has angled for the VP to carry this out, then the main flaw with this series was forgetting its premise. It could have been pretty interesting to see Frank torpedo the

The song Frank was humming was Shenandoah I Long To Hear You, which the Riflemen sang at the reunion.

I thought Nina would be revealed as having been a double agent all along. I really like how they did it instead as a change of heart, and tied up the loose plot lines at the same time. The episodes are really well crafted.

I am also having trouble with Elizabeth being ice queen most of the time and suddenly having a meltdown when it comes to finishing the CIA guy.

I agree. Very pitiful. The actress playing Martha is fantastic.

Character dying= major flashbacks

And the wives are, while not sisters, good friends. He is a federal agent who happens to be chasing the guy right under his nose. Both were sent out of town on assignments that ended badly. Both are relentless and smart. It just seems they stole the comedy and tension of having the prey right under the nose of the

Stan = Hank Schraeder

Umm, Wynn Duffy?

If it had a bell on it, I would really be worried.

So why did Colt shoot the Tonin thug? Looks like Boyd is about to make a move on Tonin, who will get indicted now that Drew is safe in Lexington.

Ava Crowder is a dead girl walking. They have been building this up all season. Ava and Boyd in love, shopping for houses.
My guess is Raylan shoots Ava in some showdown over Ella May. This sets up Raylan and Boyd as sworn enemies, which can carry the show for a couple of seasons.

Ineffectuality or ineffectiveness? Pretty funny though, Phil.