
K4 in Kosovo? Seems important.

Plemmons plays the same character, except he is a sweet nerd in FNL, while he was a sweet, nerd, psychopath in BB.

The twist explains why Saul went to see Carrie at the hospital and apologized. The main part of the twist I thought was actively misleading was Carrie's desperation in private moments to get out.

Sorry, need to finish my thought.
So it was not a surprise that Walt's plans worked so well. They have for the last two seasons, and there was little complaint from critics.
As to it being too tidy, can one imagine the howl of protest that would have erupted if we didn't know what happened to. Jesse, whether Walt lives,

The main complaints I have seen about the finale are: 1) it was too tidy; 2) Walt had too many things go right, and it was not credible; and 3) it offered Walt too much redemption. I disagree.

Yes. He was on a cutting horse and doing a damn good job. It is common to hold onto the saddle horn while riding a cutting horse.
Cutting horse competitions are a big deal and stem from horses used inside pens during round ups that separate cattle from those being sold to the ones being kept.

The Marty Robbins song that fell out of the glove compartment, and Walt was singing it while assembling the machine gun.

My money is on the Marty Robbins song because: 1) this show has been a spaghetti western at heart and the song fits perfectly; 2) the song is about an outlaw coming back to see his love and getting killed (notice how Gretchen thinks Walt was a sweet guy); 3) between the ricin, cancer, and all the people who want to

So Skylar is working as a taxi dispatcher? Sounds like they planted this to give Walt a way to contact her, I.e. call for a taxi and talk to her.

Agree. Time to sell my Grey Matter stock.

That would be me who pointed out the running water.
I agree there were some plot holes, and I am not as taken with the acting as the reviewer, but I thought the tie in to the central theme with Sonya was well done. Marco has been trying to teach Sonya that it is okay to lie to spare other people's feelings. Sonya

So did Walt admit to killing Hank on the phone call to Skylar as part of his plan to try to get Skylar off, or did he do it as part of his handshake deal with Uncle Jack to try to throw suspicion away from the Neo-Nazis?

A lot of great dark humor in this episode. Todd's "sorry for your loss". Walt rehearsing his lie to Skylar. Walt rolling the barrel across the desert.

Emmy for Holly! Whoever taught her to stick out her lip and say a tearfully MaMa is the best acting coach ever.

Gus is at the uncle's house. You could hear the water running in the background.

Of course the two are completely inconsistent. So which is it?

I do NOT likethe look Walt gave Walt , Jr. at the car wash. I think he plans on using Walt, Jr. to get to Hank.
Since I don't think the nazi's know the coordinates are where the cash is, that means Hank and Gomie have to die. Is the only way Walt gets to keep the money.

Walt sitting by the pool reminded me of when he was sitting by the pool in his back yard puzzling over what to do, spinning the pistol, and hit upon the Lilly of the Valley solution. Here, however, the solution presented was Walt, Jr.'s absolute devotion to his father.

When Jesse was standing in front of the spillway waiting on the vacuum man, I couldn't help but think they picked this spot to represent a coming flood in the desert.

Jesse lights the fire. Walt Jr. Is in the house and dies of smoke inhalation. The guilt causes Jesse to confess to Hank.