
You can make a device that will only allow you to see things in tunnel vision.

The Girl Who Will Blow Me First

Preach on, fastandsloppy!

What does it matter if a director helms a bad film and then directs something as good as the first Bourne movie? Which, by the way, was the best of the three.

Let's not leave that scene aside.

the segments are "strident", "arty", "controversial", and "shallow"? But has anyone disproved any of the theories illustrated in the segments.

What are
you drunks doing awake and (seemingly) sober this early in the morning?

I read Barrel Fever, Me Talk Pretty, and Flames, and of these,I liked Me Talk Pretty best. I first read his work in Esquire magazine, and those essays, in my opinion are better than any of his books, especially those involving members of his family.

I listened to this album on Spinner last night, and all I've got to say is, as good as Harvest Moon is, Le Noise is that bad.

CF, isn't your count about 9 palms short?

I believe I read an interview with Page where he stated that though they had talked about a reunion, etc., the problem was that he wasn't 19 years old anymore, and he just wasn't interested in playing in a band again.

Lars Ulrich wanted that 'huge' sound for Metallica.

Sad to say, but I gave Zep the song Hey, Hey, What Can I Do?

I'm confused
Is this (semi) autobiographical, or straight fiction?

Just a comment
on the George and Tammy marriage.

It's new to me! I haven't seen any of it yet.

Thanks, helpful AV Club posters!

I've never
heard of this band until now, but I do like crunchy guitars.


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