
Cream of Wheat?

The Doobies sang about Black Water!

Neko once was my favorite of this crew. Went to see her in Nashville and was sorely disappointed. Her performance was lackadaisical as if she couldn't possibly care any less about the audience. I dunno, maybe 'cause the venue wasn't huge, or the crowd was small, or maybe she had her period but the whole 40 minutes of

Could you change the channel—I hate the Eagles

Why is it that (seemingly) all the threads on the AV Club tend in *this* direction—

Kudos to
John Hawkes and Jennifer Lawrence.
I thought I was watching a home movie from one of my cousins during most of that movie.

Good point, Mr. Point…He also livened up McHale's Navy!

Thank you Andy Pants for stating that which is glaringly obvious to anyone with any musical taste whatsoever.

Is it just me
or are the newswire writeup getting more snarky? So what if Ridley Scott wants to make a boatload of money rebooting the franchise. If this prequel is anywhere as good as the original Alien I'll be sure to watch it, just like the rest of you snark slingers. You know what, I'll watch it anyway, cuz I like

Just to point out
one little discrepancy in the above item: Charlie Rangel was given a two year extension of his job by his constituents. His position as Big Chief Tax Poobah was taken away by a majority of the swamp drainers in the House.

Hey, I've got an idea
How about a has been like Joe Piscopo or Michael Keaton for Kemo-Sabe?

the hills are alive…
with the sound of muuusik?

What, his opinion that the Steelers won't be in the Super Bowl?

I'll have to say that, IMHO, the scariest book King has written is "Misery". Not because of anything inherently scary in the book, but it's the only one of his I've read (and I've read a lot of them) that would be even remotely possible of happening.

I also don't watch a single one of these shows.
And Ross Perot was correct in saying that giant sucking sound was jobs leaving the country.

The drizzling shits

I believe the facts bear out my assertion, his denials notwithstanding.

Because Carter was a well meaning but mostly ineffective president who alienated Congress during the first months of his administration and was usually unable to pass meaningful legislation the remainder of the 70s.

No doubt they will apply modern day sensibilities to a 16th century setting.

I'm with Tuck.