I attended a Promise Keepers event at Mile High with my dad. Even when I was still a believer, I found the event cultish.
I attended a Promise Keepers event at Mile High with my dad. Even when I was still a believer, I found the event cultish.
I just saw Anomalisa this morning. I'd imagine most people around these parts will like it.
Quit rubbing your gambling prowess in our faces.
No you don't. Her last name is Rambles.
I like my beer cold, my TV loud, and my Doritos fuh-laming!
Sweet Wayne's World reference!
Actually, to me that's an accurate description of the entire series thus far. The classic and novel story ideas have probably all been used in the first ten or so seasons (the sheer number of episodes extant, in my mind, necessarily results as such). But damned if there aren't still laugh out loud lines in episodes to…
Don't you dare ignore AC/DC. They've got the biggest balls of them all.
I wish this weren't true, but it sadly is.
It's like a freakin' Country Netflix Jamberoo around here.
Rolls right off the tongue.
That's (San Antonio) a right triangle, you idiot!
In the Hebrew scriptures (aside from Ecclessiastes and Job, which explicitly deny an afterlife) all souls go to Sheol. Which is basically a place of undefined shadows. Imagine that, a religious doctrine that is vague and nebulous!
Even when I believed as a kid, I still found Jesus descending into hell incredibly dubious.
I'm pretty sure the Ascension of Jesus is only mentioned by the author of Luke/Acts, and as a later addition in the added verses at the end of Mark. It's not really discussed much in apologetics for obvious reasons.
I'm listening to the commentary right now. How could I forget the line, "Yeah. Jesus must be spinning in his grave."
Uh, what the hell is goin' on in my town?
For there will be no fire truck for little Bart. No sweater for little Lisa. No Cajun sausage for little Homer.
Duffman is awesome.
In my world I have Beaver Liquors and Master Bait & Tackle.