Hypothetical Irate Canadian

Oh films re-edited for TV to replace swearing - you're so fun!   My favourite - "Peas and Rice!"

Wow.  I can't believe I didn't see that until now…

I have not  - will check it out.  Thanks for the recommendation!

@avclub-8487b0689da6771599d41a721015a725:disqus  - I have this on the go in worsted weight:

It's very dusty in the office today…

I am a knitting fiend.  It's so bad that even though we are packing up the house for a cross country move I still have 5+ projects on the go and am carefully planning out my next few projects to ensure I don't run out of yarn/stuff to do during the drive!  I can't imagine not having something to work on, what sort of

I am reading Prick Up Your Ears: The Biography of Joe Orton by John Lahr.  I had seen the film adaptation a few years ago (Molina is terrifying in it), and stumbled accross the book a while back.  It is interresting as both a biography and a literary critique of British theatre of the 1960s as it moved out of it's

Have you read Down and out in Paris and London?  I think it might just be my very favourite Orwell, fiction or non.

I think my favourite Atwood novel is The Robber Bride but I would also recommend Good Bones, which is billed as a collection of short stories but I would characterise many of them as poetry/monologues.  An interested and quick read.

Aw man!  Is FOX really remaking Broadchurch?  Poo.

Woo! Congrats!  And incidentally, there's no cake, just a box of Timbits and a couple of cans of Molson Ex…

Gah!  Indeed.  Much positivity sent your way!

A full-fledged adult now?

Good luck on the test!  Also, you forgot

I am mad at your Bears, they stole our coach.  Give him back!

As a 12-year old and still Catholic, it scared me silly.  I re-watched it a few years ago, and my current Recovering Catholic self wasn't scared by the religious bits, but absolutely freaked by all the hospital scenes. 

All My Steakflowers?

A ha! Thank you!

I guess this will keep him from skull-king around…

Avatar 2: Blue Bugaloo