Hypothetical Irate Canadian

D'oh!  Stupid fingers - type faster!

They used the royal birth as a cover.  Distract everyone by dangling a royal baby in front of them, and while everyone is making googly eyes - POOF!  Hire a new Doctor!

Yes…there also seems to be a disturbing lack of O'Neal today…

What, no love for Today's Special?

But what will they call the Dean's polka-dotted alien buddy?

The Hilarious House of Frightenstein was my introduction to Vincent Price, and thus will always have a special place in my heart.  And yes, the only way to watch that show is at 5am waiting for the good stuff to come on!

It's a decent adaptation, though I think I am more heavily biased as I really dislike the play.  My favourite adaptations would have to be Branagh's Henry V & Taymor's Titus

I concur.  Cymbeline is a particular favourite of mine, and I do NOT need to see it a la Luhrman.

@avclub-6a2ec3076bb494e5c64eb1a422d9fe3d:disqus : You look nice in those jeans.

I did not even know there was such a thing as a conditioner bar.  That doesn't seem like it would work so well…

Is the AV Freakout alarm Dawes turned up to 11?

That does sound exiciting!  I've been meaning to try out a new scent.


What is the average carrying weight of a swallow?

Happiness is the best!  I believe I have gifted a copy of that to pretty much everyone I know.

A suggested post on IMDB (back when they still did Editor's picks) for Scott's NCC on Serenity, or was it the MYOF on Grindhouse?  It was one or the other, and I soon went through the archives and read all of the articles for both.  Sigh.  I miss those two features.

Oh the Stone Angel.  Our lone CanCon on my high school reading list was A Bird In The House, and that was a summer reading choice…why did we not read more Canadian authors?

D'oh! somebody beat me to it!

Customary, "wait? This came out 20 years ago?! Christ I'm old." thread. 

While I agree that the character has not been used to the best potential, they have at least established that she can kick ass if need be.  I'm kinda hoping they go off cannon and introduce someone new…