Hypothetical Irate Canadian

That is awesomesauce (it is, right?)! Is it still on Netflix?

There's a Spaceballs cartoon?!!  Why do I not know this?

As our household is the proud owners of not one, but two handmade Dude sweaters I think I will be giving this a miss (and yeah, like I have $20 000-$30 000!), but that jumpsuit is pretty awesome.  I only wish that they were also auctioning Jesus' purple bowling ensemble…

Only if he brings the owl along with him.

Absotively the move to Molson stadium is the reason why Montreal still has a team.  It was due the fact that the Als surprisingly made the playoffs in '98 and couldn't use the Big O as there was a U2 concert scheduled for the same day.  They quickly realised that this was a way better venue to play at (especially

Indeed!  "I wear a sash now.  Sashes are cool."


Wait - there's an actual restored version of "The Reign of Terror"?  I thought only the audio version was available (and I think the BBC did a really good job with those box sets!)

I thought Todd attended these events as his alter ego, The SWAG Onion.

Agreed.  I had the biggest grin on my face during the entire film!

I woulda thought Goon Girl would be a sequel to the Sean William Scott hockey film!

I wonder if "Screw you, Wayward Pines!" could ever usurp that…

"Would you like to come back to my place?  Bouncy bouncy…"

I have yet to see Rosetta, but I too have a soft spot in my heart for Cradle Will Rock…

It's up and running!

Yeah - I've opted to record the first episode, but I don't hold out much hope…I may just rewatch Muriel's Wedding instead.

My non-patriotic viewing fest was finally catching up to the end of this season's Game of Thrones - holy crap that was a Red Wedding!


Yay!  Classic Dr. Who is back!  I'm also kinda curious about this Anna Nicole flick, but only because it's directed by Mary Harron.  

Yay!  Classic Dr. Who is back!  I'm also kinda curious about this Anna Nicole flick, but only because it's directed by Mary Harron.