Hypothetical Irate Canadian

Yeah, this entire article was difficult. When we lost our 15 year old greyhound/black lab mix 5 1/2 years ago, we managed to hold out on adopting for almost a year, until about 11 months lwter when we ended up the most special of special snowflakes (he has some peculiarities). Anyway, reading this article, I kept

Funny, I thought you were replying to @Lt. Broccoli:disqus 's post…

True. I suppose I also really would like John Candy to not be dead.

Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money.

Did we really need an English-language remake of La Grande Seduction? The original is so wonderful!

Will John Noble play a beffuddled but loveable stabke hand?  They could bring back Gene!

Going to see The World's End!  So very excited!  Oh and the PNE (Pacific National Exhibition) is on, so I may just have to have a fair day..

Call me elf one more time…

Jim Henson, Raul Julia and Phil Hartman…

Oof.  So sorry. 

I go so freakin' excited a couple of weeks ago when I saw an Orphan Balck ad, thinking the new season was starting up.  Turns out they're just rebroacasting it.  Harrumph.

D'oh!  Double post…

Yay!  Someone else who knits at sporting events!  High five @avclub-8dd007f4a97be79c135c67999bf5b27e:disqus !  (also, sorry about the puck to the face…)

yay!  Someone else who knits at sporting events!  High five @avclub-8dd007f4a97be79c135c67999bf5b27e:disqus !  (also, sorry about the puck to the face!)

Don't Drive here is pretty darn awesome.  I'm not sure which ep is the craziest, though driving a truck at night in Mumbai was pretty darn insane…

Molly Parker, circa always!

This ^^

Will O'Neal be played by Ryan Gosling?

Yes please!  ANFSCD was my introduction to the Pythons!