ASAC Schrader

He sounds like a RedPiller

I think we need a master list of all the colossally heinous stuff that Dre's boss has alluded to doing. It's hilarious how over-the-top they go with the whole "out-of-touch rich old white guy" thing they have with him.

Sounded like Jordan Peele doing Obama to me

Best episode so far, and it really wasn't even close. The rest of the season has been reasonably enjoyable, but it's nothing I would ever go out of my way to recommend to friends. This episode really stood out because the characters were more than empty vessels for jokes and gags.

Bev swearing always make me laugh.

I was absolutely convinced that you just made up the word "Bundesnachrichtendienst" until I decided to Google it.

Looks like Grant survived, now it's just Forrest that needs to be found…

As a competitive chess player, this was the first time I haven't given a shit that they didn't set up the board correctly. And that was a surprisingly accurate description of the second game, considering it it came from a drunk man who wouldn't even Wikipedia his dingus for a Klondike bar

I wouldn't be surprised. Have you seen Ming-Na Wen?

I'm genuinely surprised at how much I enjoyed that. It's such an oversaturated genre though, so I doubt they can consistently pull off this quality. The plot isn't going to ever be groundbreaking, but if the writers can keep the jokes fresh, I'll continue to watch.

Was anyone else worried about A.J. in the jail? I know they were in the visiting area, but still, only being able to have sex with Clovers for long periods of time probably isn't too easy to deal with for criminals in jail.

Aw, poor Butters :-(

Adam's letter:

I can't wait to see how the lives of Forrest's Father, Suzanne, and Eric are completely and utterly ruined by moving in with Joe Dale Jr. I'm sure it will be glorious.

I do hope they revisit Suzanne being catfished, perhaps as theorized in the stray observations. I was expecting some sort of payoff where Forrest completely destroys her life yet again.

I never knew how much I needed creepy Thomas Edison in my life.

That was legitimately the most existentially frightening thing I have ever seen.

“Nervous breakdown incest strip tease” is perhaps the most accurate description for something that I have ever heard.

You should read the reviews for the final season of Dexter. No punches pulled there. Those reviews and the comment section honestly made it the most enjoyable season of Dexter for me.
