ASAC Schrader

I'd say the same, but has there really been a dud among the seemingly dozens of renditions of fictionalized versions of the lives of comedians, aside from Mulaney? Everything else has ranged from watchable to groundbreaking, IMO

I don't think Dany would allow that. He literally tried to kill her and her dragon.

This show is surprisingly good. Even though I enjoy Jim Jefferies, I thought this format for him was awful and that he'd crash and burn.


Nancy Reagan's Guide to Cocksucking is the greatest book the world will never see.

And oddly arousing

I totally forgot about Wiig's character, so that reveal definitely took me by surprise. I'm glad it wasn't part of a "previously on" type thing.

Fuck Donald Trump

Trump supporters would let Trump shit in their mouths if it meant liberals have to smell it.

or F) The choice that nobody wants: Lincoln

Probably just her paranoia. I thought they might pull some "Quinn faked his death" bullshit though.

I don't have a problem at all with the irrationality of Keane protestors; that's EXACTLY how people who hated Clinton were (and still are). They just hate her for conspiracy theory bullshit reasons and probably some deeply rooted misogyny. They don't need a logical reason.

I guess I like the way they portray the Keane hate because it mirrors real life. Obviously Hillary had some flaws, to say the least, but the hatred for her is rabid and unhinged, based on complete and utter lies and grounded in total delusion. It's 99% bullshit fearmongering and conspiracy theories. That's *why* and I

Say what you will about this show, but I thought it was very cathartic watching Keane rip into that asshole. Too bad she's probably gonna be assassinated or something. It's a pretty fucking sad state of affairs when the reality of Homeland is arguably preferable to that of the real world.

It's Myles Barlow, dumbass.

It is. There was one review of prostitution. After his experience, while giving the review, he suddenly realizes he didn't fully experience prostitution because he only solicited a female prostitute. Hard cut to him being fucked in the ass by a dude.

IMDB says she's only in one other episode. Even if she was in a few episodes, she certainly wasn't memorable enough.


Is that you George?

Many of his supporters are rationalizing it by saying that's just how he naturally mocks people. Like Draymond Green's "natural shooting motion."