ASAC Schrader

Josh's modeling scene was up there with Scott's Tots for the most cringeworthy thing I've seen on television.

dat hair

I'm pretty sure that's like, an actual thing that someone has to do for the president, not just for Trump. Can't find an article anywhere, but I've read that they just get an intern to compile all the politically relevant pop culture stuff in a video periodically.

The delivery on "Hey bitch, I heard you peed on some stuff" was perfect.

Yeah, Bogut who averaged like 12 minutes per game that series. The same Bogut that was benched in the previous years' finals because he matched up with the Cavs so horribly. Let's not forget the far more significant injuries that Cavs had in 2015. But I guess that's besides the point too.

That's why she has MY vote.

She might have signed up solely because she was suspicious of him.

I kept getting this nagging feeling that some intruder was actually going to be in the house at the end, even though that would make no sense in the context of this show. Was that on purpose the way the scene was shot, or have I just been watching too many thrillers?

Much like every single episode of every single television show in history, it needed more Jon Hamm

As a diehard Trail Blazer fan for over 20 years, this episode upset me :-(

Loved it. FX is crushing it.

Burning Love

Judging by how the current election cycle is going in real life, I'm not so sure about that.

Louie learned from his brief interaction with Donald Rumsfeld on O&A.

Love on Netflix

He posts here, in fact he has replied to a comment of mine on one occasion. He's certainly reading, hopefully he listens

Joffrey did nothing wrong.

Don't worry guys, it'll all be fine. The red woman will bring Michael back, Rafael will win the Kingsmoot against Derek for the new hotel, and Jane will head West with Mateo, the stallion who mounts the world