ASAC Schrader

Don't forget the "Paying for Sex" review, wherein, after completing the review, Myles observes that the person who requested the review did not specify their sexual orientation. In order to ensure the integrity of the review, he then proceeds to voluntarily have sex with a male prostitute "just to be on the safe

That moment with the edgy neckbeard in the museum was great.

"You think I wanna be in this fuckin' minecraft piece of shit?"


Extra jizz…$1.00

"So it's like a less sexual Incredible Hulk?"

"It's just bad…it's a bad thing…about bad things…financial…thing."

I like how they had to blur the mouth of giant quaker when Barry cussed.

We'll see how nicknames develop

The summer, I've heard. Nothing official though.

Great episode. Great finale. Great season.

Night Sweats! Half a star.

Did anyone else think the song was real at first? Then after 'diarrhea' I just burst out laughing.

"(season finale is two hours of hugging)"

Of course I am. I was just impressed with Teddy's impeccable taste.

Gina Rodriguez can rap

That last scene before they left might've been sweet if it wasn't at least the 5th "Phil acts like he's not going to be an asshole anymore" scene. I'm not sure what the point of having his brother up in space was though. It would be ridiculously contrived to find a way for him to get back down to earth, or even

I like how Teddy is acutely aware of when Chaka Khan is in town.

Damn, Louie needs a hug. He just got shit on this whole episode.