ASAC Schrader

That little kid is God damn pimp.

I thought the concept of the Bro Shelter was downright hilarious. Another solid episode.

Good episode, but I wish they spent more time on the kids' existential crises regarding their parentage.

"Are you saving that seat for your attitude?"

Not familiar with the laws surrounding nondisclosure agreements (or the laws surrounding anything, for that matter), but what kind of case could he possibly have? He wouldn't have incurred any sort of loss, monetary or otherwise, from Saul breaking the nondisclosure agreement. Once again, I don't know anything about

I was sorely disappointed not to hear Jon Hamm's voice come from that talking toilet.

Great pilot. I love the chemistry between Forte and Schaal. I feel like this series has potential.

Appreciated the creativity (by their own standards, I mean), but the ending was a bit lackluster, and the misdirection was too telegraphed. B+, although I'm probably too hard on Modern Family because it undeservedly keeps getting Emmys.

The Goldbergs is hot lately. Another A episode.

I thought this was a good episode, just on the insults alone. Josh going orange in order to avoid looking like the inside of Conan O'Brien's thigh, and Diane tricking Jack into watching The Shining made it one of the strongest episodes to date.

I wish they'd shown a flash-forward that showed whether Chris actually became the first person to live to be 150.

No way white people will eat meat out of a pan!

Most definitely need to see Ilana's internet history now.

Most definitely need to see Ilana's internet history now:

I most definitely want to see Ilana's entire internet history now:

Ben's reaction to getting knighted was hilarious.

I knew someone would do this.

My libido? Go fuck yourself. I know the scene last week was meant to show that Eddie thought she was hot, but excuse me for being creeped out at seeing someone half my age depicted like that.

I like this show quite a bit, but I'm kind of disturbed at the sexualization of Eddie's teenage neighbor he has a crush on. Her actress is only 13, and this week she barely had any screen time, but her introduction scene last week was really creepy in retrospect once I knew her age.

I have never been more bored by this show. At least it looks like something is happening next week.